Why It Matters To Me

I have tried to write a blog post about my political perspective no less than a dozen times since I started blogging in October. I fill pages full of words. I save it all, but I just cannot do justice to my feelings. I wish I had a gift for writing so that I could truly express on paper (or screen I should say) what I feel in my heart...but the words just will not come.
I first started trying to write something clever and pithy about why I'm a liberal back in October when we were still in the midst of the election. It was scrapped. I tried to put facts and figures into a logical argument for why I feel the way I do, but it got boring really fast. I also tried to pour out my feelings of pride and relief on election night when Barack Obama was elected by such a huge majority but again, the words just wouldn't come.
Those of you that know Joe and me are probably aware that we are more liberal than your average Utahan. I would guess that if I asked you which of us was more passionate about it most of you would say Joe. The thing is, I'm not sure that's true. Joe likes to talk about it a lot more than I do, but when it comes to politics my feelings are fierce. I find it difficult to discuss with people because my emotions run so close to the surface on the subject. Yesterday as I watched
Barack Obama be sworn in as the President of the United States I wondered why it matters so much to me. I'm not African American. I don't come from a disadvantaged or minority background. I'm educated, upper middle-class white all the way. So why did it literally bring tears to my eyes to listen to him speak to our country yesterday?
I think the answer is hope. Hope that if this man can become the President of the United States, my children and YOUR children will grow up in a world where they can be anything they want to be. Hope that the people in this country can return to a "we" mentality instead of a "me" mentality. Hope that we can somehow reach equal ground where everyone has enough to eat and somewhere safe and warm to sleep. Hope that greed will be replaced with generosity. Hope that freedom will spread by example instead of by force.
"There is no obstacle that can stand in the way of millions of voices calling for change."
"There is no doubt that our road will be long. That our climb will be steep. But never forget that the true character of our nation is revealed not during times of comfort and ease, but by the right we do when the moment is hard. I ask you to help me reveal that character once more, and together, we can carry forward as one nation, and one people, the legacy of our forefathers that we celebrate today." (Barack Obama, Jan 18, 2009 at the Lincoln Memorial)

To be led into this era of change by someone who can inspire confidence and hope is a true gift and I pray that God will guide him every day as he makes decisions that affect us all and that God will guide us every day as we make decisions that affect each other. It matters to me because our world matters to me.
By : Natalie Tibbs
Re-Published By : The Author
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