The modern world has taken a much more comprehensive approach, and the internationally recognised recycling symbol has certainly played its part. Big businesses are under increasing pressure to be seen to address the issue of recycling in a positive way, and one of the main areas that always falls under scrutiny is paper recycling. As much as 70% less energy is required to recycle paper compared with making it from raw materials, and as a result, many multinational companies now print their documents on recycled paper or even offer paper-free billing to customers. In fact, more and more of these organisations now use the environment in advertising campaigns to let people know just how much they’re doing to help the planet.

As the old saying goes “one man’s trash is another man’s treasure”; this has never been more relevant than in today’s society where it’s becoming more important to be seen to be green. Listing your unwanted items online is a quick and hassle-free way to do your bit for the environment without even leaving the comfort of your chair, which incidentally is also a good thing as you’re not using any fuel! It’s easy to buy and sell online and it saves you having to endure a wet car boot or garage sale on a cold Sunday morning. Another benefit of online classifieds is that it’s simple to search for what you actually want without having to hunt through lots of other things first.

By : Isla Campbell
Re-Published By : The Author
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