From One Copy Girl to Another: One More Word On Caroline Kennedy (and then I'm done with my short political blogging career)

I think he says it all.
[Me? A copy girl? For a few months in 1981, I was a copy girl/receptionist/cold-caller of congressmen ("listen," my boss said, "you can pick up the phone and call anybody. really. people answer. just ask them the question" was a most invaluable lesson: he was right...talked to quite a few bigwigs that year, took down the answers in careful longhand, ran them back to the boss) for a Washington Post columnist.
The most thrilling part of this first-job-out-of-college was getting to take a taxi to the Washington Post every Friday and delivering his column to the newspaper, usually as the clock hit (it was a tense afternoon, more often than not) the stroke of deadline (his office was a few blocks away). I got to walk back, afterwards (saved money). Not a bad moment in time. Went by quickly, just as my career as a political blogger has.
Next job, after copy girl, was with a publisher in Annapolis. Neat publisher: they had just introduced a new novelist named Tom Clancy. A few months into it, I married a freshly-minted (and very handsome) submarine officer. Rickover objected. Even so, it's been a good match.]
By : Victoria Thorne
Re-Published By : The Author
Não sei falar inglês, acho que vc sabe né!!! Espero que sim, é um prazer enorme, estranho, e unico ter vc me seguindo...beijos e fique a vontade...
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