Call for Abstract! Social and Societal Influences on Equity in Health, Crete, Greece
5th International Conference in partnership with Greek School of Public Health Canadian Society for International Health June 9, 11 2009, Crete, GreeceCall for Abstracts Deadline for Submission: January 30, 2009
The 5th International Conference of the International Society for Equity in Health will be hosted by the Greek School of Public Health in Crete. The meeting will bring together, researchers, policy-makers, practitioners and others concerned with equity in health to develop and international health agenda for governments, universities and organizations all over the world.
The 5th International Conference theme is "Social and Societal Influences on Equity in Health". The Conference will explore this theme through a varied program of plenary sessions, forums, poster sessions and scientific sessions. We invite your participation in the advancement of knowledge, exchange of experiences and promotion of equity in health.
There is a special interest in abstracts that reflect a multidisciplinary conceptualization of health equity; that analyze or compare rather than just describe; are not limited to one measure of health, one age group, or one population subgroup; address issues of generalizability of findings beyond the particular population studied; include and compare different age groups and both genders; address access/utilization/appropriateness of health services for meetings different levels of needs within and across populations. There is also interest in abstracts that give evidence of linkage with policy or other constituencies that influence equity outcomes, and in work that provides evidence of analyses determinants of impact on equity outcomes.
Session Formats
Please read carefully the following descriptions before sending us your proposal.
Poster Session
This is a visual presentation of a paper using charts, photos, drawings and/or text mounted on a poster board. Presenters will be expected to be present at specific times to discuss their work with conference participants. Each presentation will be allocated a space 950 mm wide x 2380 mm high and must be designed so that it can be pinned or tacked to a poster board.Scientific Sessions
Each presentation will be 15 minutes, followed by a short discussion with the audience. The Conference Planning Committee will appoint a session chairperson. Three to four papers will be presented per session; each session will be two hours. It is expected that the person submitting the proposal will make the presentation.Workshops
Will be 2-3 hours in length and interactive in nature. There will be approximately 30 people participating in each workshop. Workshop organizers will be chosen by the Conference Scientific Committee. Selection CriteriaThe selection of abstracts for presentation or for poster sessions will be around January 30, 2009.
By : Gabriella Bidwell
Re-Published By : The Author
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