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5 Creative Ways To Find A Job

Here are Five creative ways to find your ideal position

Ok, you have posted to every internet job board and every job on Monster, CareerBuilder, and HotJobs. You’ve followed up with calls and networked until you are blue in the face. Each Sunday you take the newspaper and apply for every job in your field with little to no results. Well try some unique ways to find a job.

Send Half of Your Resume

Find a company you want to work. Write a great cover letter on why you are a good fit, pointing to the enclosed resume. Don’t seal the envelope and don’t enclose a resume. They’ll think the resume fell out in the mail. They will call and engage in a conversation. Sell yourself shamelessly.

Write A Prospecting Letter

Make use of the power of direct mail. Locate 5-10companies. Write up a letter to your contact network and ask them if they know anyone who works at any of the companies on your list. When a contact says they know someone on your list, send them your resume and ask them to forward it their contact or ask permission to send it yourself.

E-Mail Chain Letter

Create a list of 20 companies you want to work for and send an email to everyone you know to see if they know anyone who works at these companies. Ask them to contact you if they do, so that you can ask for a referral. Finally, ask them to forward your email to 10 more people. However don’t do this if you’re currently employed!

Distribute A Booklet

Write a booklet with information relevant to your industry and give it away. Everyone loves free information and this demonstrates your expertise. Give the booklet away electronically and advertise it to newsgroups where hiring managers will see it.

Call Human Resources

Sounds crazy, right? Call the human resources department. Ask them what outside agency or third-party recruiting firm they use. They will ask you why do you want to know. Tell them that their company is not currently looking for someone with your skill set right now the agency may be dealing with other firms, so you are looking for a recommendation. They may very well ask you for an interview. If not at least you do get a lead. They would love to save the agency fees. Also being recommended gives you special attention. Send them a thank you note.

These are guerrilla tactics that can give you better results. Be sure to stay toned for another 5 creative tips.

Published By : The Author

3 Points You Should Negotiate When You Are Losing Your Job

Do you know what to ask for when you face a job loss? These 3 points can be negotiated at this difficult time.

You work for a company that has been going through a lot of changes and upheaval. Word is going around about lay-offs and you worry you will be next. If you’ve been an exemplary employee and the lay-off is not because of anything you’ve done, be sure you ask these three questions as you are being handed your Pink Slip:

1. Ask for a Letter of Reference. You can use this to help you land that new job because it will be beneficial to have a letter that praises you and your accomplishments. This will show future employers that your termination was a business decision and not because of any wrong-doing on your part. Most people forget to ask about this, and it is difficult to try to go back later and ask for one.

2. Ask about severance pay. You are not automatically guaranteed this unless it was stipulated in your employment contract when you were hired.. Typically, one week of severance is given for each year of service to the company, but this can be negotiable. And, especially if you’ve recently finished an important project, been honored or achieved a major goal, be sure to remind them. It may buy you another week of severance pay they weren’t planning on giving.

3. Are you entitled to unused vacation pay? In most cases, the answer is no. Some companies allow you to roll over your unused time from one year to the next, while others have a use it or lose it policy. Most companies will explain their rules in the employee handbook, but asking to be paid for your unused vacation pay just may earn you a few extra dollars you could use right now.

You may not get any severance or vacation pay, and you especially won’t if you don’t ask for it. Don’t forget, this is a very difficult situation for your boss, too, so he or she may be willing to give you more than had been planned on. You’ll never know unless you try, and the worst they can do is say no. If the moment passes, chances are you won’t have another opportunity to ask these questions again. Knowing ahead of time what to ask for may give you the confidence to speak up for yourself at this difficult time.

Published By : The Author

5 Tips to Prepare for that First ‘Real’ Job Interview

You’ve graduated and now have to land that perfect job. Do you know how to present yourself at the job interview?

You have graduated high school or college and now you’re ready for your first ‘real’ job. You’ve mailed out rйsumйs and have been called in for your first interview. How can you do well at the interview so you wind up being offered the job?

1. Dress professionally. No midriff shirts, low-cut blouses or flip-flops because you’re going to work and not the beach. While it’s not necessary to buy a suit, it is particularly important to look professional. If you’re trying to get a job in a conservative office such as an accounting firm, don’t dress as if you were going to a concert. If you are applying for a retail position, you have a little more freedom. Rather than list what clothing is and is not acceptable, I would tell you to dress as if you were going to meet one of the most important people in your life- because you are!

2. Make sure you are well-groomed. Don’t look as though you just rolled out of bed and couldn’t bother to take care of basic personal hygiene. Nothing will make the HR Manager bring the interview to a close faster than unwashed hair, dirty fingernails or body odor. As an employee, you will be a reflection of the company and no customer wants to do business with an unkempt person.

3. Be aware of your body language. A firm handshake at the start of the interview shows you are self-confident. Maintain eye contact, stay relaxed and be attentive to the interviewer. Ask questions and listen thoughtfully to the answers. Think before you answer questions from the interviewer- don’t ramble and keep the conversation on the topic.

4. Be prepared for the interview. Research the company beforehand- every business now has a website where you can learn what they do and who their customers are. This shows the interviewer you are interested in the job and took the initiative to find out all you could about the company.

5. Be present in the interview. I’ve interviewed candidates who acted as if they were waiting for a bus. They didn’t ask questions, but instead just listened to me, and I wasn’t really sure if they were paying attention. Be enthusiastic, ask questions and participate in the interview. After listing all the duties required of the position, I asked one candidate if this sounded like something she’d be interested in. Her reply was a quiet, “I can do the job.” She didn’t answer my question, she seemed indifferent, and she didn’t get the job. If you can’t be excited in the interview, you’re not going to be energized in the workplace either.

First impressions count, and you want to let the interviewer know you want the job, are willing to work hard and will do your best. You might not necessarily be the most qualified candidate, but still land the job because you were the most outstanding one.

Good luck!

Published By : The Author

A Computer Software Engineer Resume Should Highlight Your Advanced Knowledge And Technical Skills

A computer software engineer resume must highlight your technical skills. This article gives you some ideas of the sort of information that an employer is looking for in your resume.

Apart from the basic resume requirements like contact details, experience etc, a software engineer resume should include the following information:

A clear cut career and job objective which shows your sense of direction to the employer.

Your resume should have the names of each of your employers and your corresponding job titles.

Give a brief description about the employer like what they are doing, if they are not well known.

The number of staff that you manage (if applicable)

Include some of the topics that are applicable to you like technical certifications, hardware knowledge, operating systems, networking/protocols, programming/languages, web applications and database applications etc.

Include a statement of your goals which is the clearest indicators to a prospective employer to match you with the job position.

Include projects done with a brief description about it and the platform used, front-end, backend and programming languages used.

Mention any technical or computer qualifications and personality development, marketing diploma etc done as a course with its content in brief, the duration, institute and also its result.

Planning, analysis, design, implementation and testing responsibilities as computer software engineer.

If you had budgetary responsibilities specify some of the important impressive technical projects that you have worked on and whether you completed the projects on budget and on time and accomplishments gained.

Highlight your initiatives and performance that resulted in enhanced efficiency, faster work, and money savings.

Highlight your certifications like Sun Certified Java programmer or Microsoft certified programmer to stress your skills in that particular language.

Highlight, if you presented any whitepapers, or addressed any group of audience to showcase your expertise.

Showcase your learnability. With the changing technology every month, you are required to be a quick learner in the IT field.

Highlight any other achievements that have benefited your department and obviously your organization in general.

Should include the following information:

A clear cut career and job objective which shows your sense of direction to the employer.

Your resume should have the names of each of your employers and your corresponding job titles

Give a brief description about the employer like what they are doing, if they are not well known.

The number of staff that you manage(if applicable)

Include some of the topics that are applicable to you like technical certifications, hardware knowledge, operating systems, networking/protocols, programming/languages, web applications and database applications etc.

Include a statement of your goals which is the clearest indicators to a prospective employer to match you with the job position.

Include projects done with a brief description about it and the platform used, front-end, backend and programming language used.

Mention any technical or computer qualifications and personality development, marketing diploma etc done as a course with its content in brief, the duration, institute and also its result.

Planning, analysis, design, implementation and testing responsibilities as computer software engineer.

If you had budgetary responsibility specify some of the important impressive technical projects that you have worked on and whether you completed the projects on budget and on time and accomplishments gained.

Highlight your initiatives and performance that resulted in enhanced efficiency, faster work, money savings.

Highlight your certifications like Sun Certified Java programmer or Microsoft certified programmerto stress your skills in the particular language and your itnerested to go one extra mile for learning.

Highlight if you presented any whitepapers, OR addressed any group of audience to showcase your expertise.

Showcase your learnablity. The changing technology every month, you are required to be a quick learner in IT field.

Highlight any other achievements that have benefited to your department and obviously your organization in general.

Published By : The Author

A Construction Resume Will Show Off Your Technical Knowledge And Qualifications As Well As Your Related Experience

With the world constantly expanding its horizons, more and more buildings are being constructed and rules and regulations are getting tighter. Your construction resume will reflect your technical skills and advanced knowledge.

Basically a construction resume should contain your full name, permanent address, telephone numbers and email addresses. Apart from that a construction resume should include the following information.

A clear cut career and job objective which shows your sense of direction to the employer.

Your construction resume should have the names of each of your employers and your corresponding job titles.

Give a brief description about the employer like what they are doing, if they are not well known.

Highlight any community activities and membership with professional organizations.

Mention the size, value of the project and the number of staff that you manage.

Your construction resume should mention your roles and responsibilities in a detailed planning of all stages of construction, equipment, materials and including workers.

Your contact with planners, surveyors, buyers, supervisors, managers, clients and other subcontractors etc.

Highlight your budgetary and financial responsibilities on major projects that you worked on.

Your construction resume should mention your responsibilities in designing and purchasing.

Highlight any new procedures, practices, processes and techniques that you have introduced or developed in your department or organization in general.

If you had budgetary responsibilities, specify some of the important impressive projects that you have worked on and whether you completed the projects on budget and on time and accomplishments gained.

To make your construction resume stand out mention your contribution in reduction of cost, improving efficiency and productivity with in your department or the company in general.

Highlight any other achievements that have benefited your department and obviously your organization in general.

Published By : The Author

A GED or General Education Diploma

A GED or General Education Diploma is sometimes also called a General Education Development program. The basis for the GED is a series of tests to determine if a minimum level of proficiency has been reached. These are not difficult tests but do require a wide breadth of understanding on a variety of subjects.

Today, distance learning may be the option most preferred. It is an affordable way to work toward a GED, and determine the level of skills necessary to pass the GED exams. Unfortunately, there are companies that offer shortcuts to almost every kind of education. Promises of college degrees, doctorates, and even high school diplomas are all available for the right price. These companies are in the business of selling shortcuts that are really bogus credentials. Fake diplomas and worthless transcripts are a growth industry with the explosion of information found on the Internet.

In most cases, the GED — the term for General Education Development credential — is the only official ‘diploma’ that has value and is meaningful for adults who never completed their high school education. There are exceptions. Many people have been duped or misled with the promises of phony certifications. These diploma mills are nothing more than a printer, some software and a marketing plan.

The reality is however, that many businesses do not check into the background of a person to that extent. This is especially true of jobs in the lower 50% of the general pay scale. Recently there have been a rash of high level business president, vice-president types who have been found to have used phony credentials to obtain their positions. If large corporations paying huge salaries to these types of people don’t check them out, how deeply do you think they will check your his troy?

Still, the future is anything but set. Although it’s possible to get away without having solid educational proof, the future may be much different. In a few years, it may be possible for companies to check historical records online and then the phone degrees will all become evident.

The very best solution is to obtain a solid education no matter how much effort it may take.

Published By : The Author

Multiple Scopes for Freelance Jobs

The Internet has revolutionized the way we work and it paved a way for generating thousands of freelance jobs all over the globe cutting across the borders.

If anyone wonders about the scope of freelance jobs, they will be amazed to know that there are actually thousands and thousands of them available online. Internet has revolutionized the way we work. It is the latest trend to post projects online and get work done from freelance online workers. The scope of freelance jobs is overwhelming, by searching the Internet with the keyword “freelance jobs”. The scope of freelance job is very wide. It ranges from basic level of jobs to the highest level of online freelance jobs.

The scope for online freelance job opportunity is immense, because of the fact that it offers a win-win situation for both the client and the service provider. Freelance job opportunities have never been very easy and reachable as they are now. Initially it may be slower to earn online, but there is a rising scope of getting income consistently from online jobs. Millions of people have got into the life style of working online from home and it is already a reality. A number of websites have increased the scope of getting freelance jobs at ease and earn money.

Factors contributing to the rapid growth of online job opportunities:

All most all the companies have made their presence online for wider reach among the people all over the world. Internet technology has become a perfect medium for online business opportunities. The difficulty in managing the operational costs of organizations to keep up with the growth figures has resulted in outsourcing part of their work. The jobs to be completed are put up on the online job portals and a freelancer can pick up jobs pertaining to their experience, knowledge and expertise. This offers a win-win situation for both the organization giving work and the person taking work as the company gets the work done at a relatively lesser cost and the freelancer earns decent money for the work done by him.

To succeed as a freelance online worker and for an organization to flourish by getting work done from freelancers is to find the right person and right kind of projects to make their mark. From the unlimited online job opportunities, getting the right kind of advice, support and information can be an added advantage.

Published By : The Author

Working from Home: Managing Stress at Ease

Many are of the view that home based businesses are stress free. Actually speaking, a person may have to face a lot of stress when working from home. A few useful tips listed here will help you deal with stress effectively if you are into a home based job.

Many people are of the view that home based businesses are stress free. Actually speaking, a person may have to face a lot of stress when working from home. If the stress is not treated properly it might affect the person as well as the productivity of the work. When corrective measures are taken and the work is organized, some amount of stress is reduced, but the person should remain motivated and try to overcome from it fully. A person working from home may get stressed due to the loneliness nature of the work as there will be no boss or manager to guide or take care of the administrative work. Friendliness atmosphere is lost due to lack of collegues etc. One of the biggest hassle working from home is the stress it causes. It is really impossible to lead a stress free life. Efforts should be to manage or reduce stress. There are several ways to cope up with the stress caused by work from home businesses so that the person doing the job can enjoy and excel in what he likes to do at the leisure of the home.

Tips to reduce stress when performing a home based business:

Getting the work area organized and free from clutter will provide a little bit of relaxation to the person. The work area gets cluttered daily and it is unavoidable, but they can be kept in place either while leaving the work place or before starting the daily jobs. It will become a habit in the long run and it saves from stress.

The person doing the home based job should only commit what he will be able to do. Because, the deadlines can be very stressful to the person who has committed when cannot be met. It is better to set a realistic date of delivery and if possible to deliver the project before the said time, but should never delay not deliver beyond the said time. Thus the client and the person doing the job are free from stress.

All the jobs cannot be done by a single person, as it will lead to a stressful life. To avoid that delegation of work needs to be done properly, so that the job does not suffer.

Planning is very important to successfully finishing the job in a better way. It is also very important to avoid unwanted disturbances from others either through phone calls or who come in person to have a chat etc. It is better to see that there are no interruptions while working and plan to work on those undisturbed hours to stay away from stress caused by others.

In between the work time, some time can be taken to meditate or to exercise, or to go for a walk, or do anything which the person likes to do. It can also include a nap if desired which rejuvenates the person to work in a better and peaceful way.

Stress can also be caused due to health problems and sickness which can be overcome by eating a nutritious food, regular exercise and enough sleep. All the above things keep one refreshed and be prepared to meet any kind of day to day challenges at work.

Published By : The Author

You can Earn Money by Blogging!

Indeed this is true. If the first outburst of blogging in the Internet was introduced for hobbyists, now, you can enjoy doing it, while earning thousands of dollars.

Yes, truly and surely, you can make money blogging. Realistically, the most you can make is a few hundred dollars a month that cannot be found on trees or scoffed at. Nowadays, the Chillicious, a social network of bloggers, have provided more options and ways wherein you can maximize your earning potential by blogging.

Do you want to make money blogging? Then, choose an ideal blog site that will cater to your requirements for a blog, sign up, create a blog and publish it right away! Blogging sites allow you to build blogs according to your tastes. Others have HTML and link options. Others have customized templates where you can change your blog page’s color and design.

In between signing up and creating a blog, though, you must know what subject to blog about. Your subject is an important consideration, so take your time conceptualizing before jumping into the fray. If you must know, the subject will be the determining factor how much money you can earn with the blog you’re going to create.

Try to look for subjects or topics that pay more from per click among others. Check out Google AdWords and AdSense to know how much each clicks on a subject costs. Google AdSense then allows you to place ads on your blog. Once a user happens to open your blog and click on the advertisement, you will earn money on it. Just that!

Once your offering is announced to companies, consequently, they will contact you for an ad space on your blog. Google, meanwhile, will place any ad that has keywords related to your blog. Any which way, you are guaranteed to earn.

Other ways to secure earning from your blogging activities is to become an affiliate partner to another company. There is a popular affiliate program, which provides commission to its partners for every click on the ad, placed on their site/blog. You will also get a percentage from the sale of their product made in your blog.

There are plenty of affiliate programs with varied commission percentages. Others even offer profit sharing.

If you are blogging for a specific cause, you still can take advantage of it in a positive way. You can earn money blogging for a cause. You can ask people to give donations for a specific cause, though most of it will go to you.

You can use the PayPal donation button and put on your site. There is also Amazon with its honor system that sets up a donation button for you.

Are picking up nice ideas already? Well, here is one you will definitely enjoy, how about making money through blogging about unique merchandise and then offering them up for sale simultaneously in your blog site?

There are people who would gladly spend for merchandise that are custom-made, unique and totally out of this world! Edit your blog headline into a catchy one, create your very own logo and then offer up these kinds of items with your logo in it. It will be a sort of brand tag.

There are online companies that allow you to design your own items and those that allow you to custom design your logo, too. You will see how it will boost your blog once people start wearing and using your items with your logo attached in it.

Do not just concentrate on one way of money – earning opportunity. You can even combine these methods and earn more.

As the Chillicious develops, evolves and takes with it lots of internet users, so as earning opportunities increase by blogging. Just think, you will enjoy blogging as a hobby and earn in the outset, too!

Published By : The Author

You Don’t Have To Quit Your Job - To Be Your Own Boss

I’m constantly seeing articles about how you should quit your job and start your own business. I wont’ argue with that — being your own boss is a terrific experience and can give you the time and financial freedom you’ve always wanted.

But the plain truth is that most of us NEED our jobs to pay the mortgage, the rent, our car payments, insurance premiums — you name it! If we didn’t have that check coming in on a regular basis, we’d probably be living on a street corner somewhere.

Traditionally, you would have to save a little each month for years to get enough to live on while you start your business. Another way to do it would be to work for someone else in the same business you want to start. You can learn the ropes while still earning a paycheck. When it’s time to quit and begin your business, you’ll be miles ahead.

But let me give you a more modern alternative that works better than any of these: work a part-time job from home that lets you build a FULL-TIME income. You keep working your regular job while you start your part-time business on the weekends, after work, or in the morning before you go to work.

Even a few years ago this would have been a slow way to get your business started. But now, incredible online automation and outsourcing lets you run your home-based business in as little as an hour per week.

How does that work? Let me show you.

Instead of calling, advertising, and sending letters to prospects, you can let fully automated online sites gather hot leads for you. Then, instead of spending hours in meetings and phone chats, you can have those leads automatically turned over to a professional sales team who turns the serious leads into paying customers.

About all you have to do is collect your commissions. And these days, those commissions can be HUGE. Forget the $20 and $50 paychecks you got in the past. These days modern automated systems can deliver $1,000 to $3,000 or more PER SALE!

Think about it for a minute. Using this type of automated/outsourced strategy, you could keep your current job while you earn an even larger income working just a few hours per week in your spare time.

This is a great way to either begin a fun, serious business of your own, or simply DOUBLE or TRIPLE the income you’re bringing in with your current job.

Keep your job AND be your own boss if you like. It’s all possible today on the Internet.

Published By : The Author

Your Business Plan Will Become Your Partner

Are you planning to start a new business? Or are you considering expanding your current business and require a bank loan or investment from outsiders?

If you are going to look for an investment of capital it is quite likely that you will be required to have a business plan. If you are starting a business, despite the work involved, a business plan can prepare you for the obstacles ahead and help ensure your success.

A business plan is something that many small businesses fail to create, however, many business owners are adamant that having a written business plan is one of the keys to their present success. Creating a business plan forces you to contemplate possible obstacles to your business and prepares you to find solutions that will help you to overcome them.

To find investors or get a bank loan, they will want to see that you have the experience or resources to run the business. They will want to see your projected income as well as your suggested repayment plan already laid out. Taking the time to do this is not only important for them, but it gives you a measuring tool to verify if your business is growing properly. You can gage your success on how close to the plan your business has actually performed. Perhaps you’ll do worse, or perhaps you’ll do better, either way it helps you determine how well your business is getting on.

If you have never seen a business plan before you may be concerned that is is too difficult a proposition for you to manage on your own.

While there are services available where you can hire someone to write a business plan for you, depending on your needs it may be wise to familiarize yourself with a business plan’s layout. This will not only help you to provide the necessary information, but may encourage you to try your own hand at it.

There’s a free tool at which will assist you in creating a business plan. Some of the topics you will be required to explain are your Market, Customer, Competition, Marketing Plan, Research & Development along with financial forecasts. You may consider hiring someone to help you with your financial sheets after completing the written part of the Business Plan.

Your Business Plan will become your guide and silent business partner - indicating where you need to improve and helping you stay one step ahead of your competition. Make it a priority to have this crucial road map for your business.

Published By : The Author

Your Fast Merchant Account Is Waiting!

A Fast Merchant Account is waiting to usher your business into the technology age! All you need to do is choose a lender that will work with your company and then enjoy the benefits of a fast merchant account.

Here are some of the ways in which your company can advance with the help of a merchant services account:

1. A Fast Merchant Account will link you to a stable lender with the authority to help your company get set up to accept credit card payments. You will enjoy the prestige and security of working with a top-notch banker or a dependable financial institution that can provide the know-how and a safety net for your credit processing transactions. Take time to find one with a solid financial reputation that offers equitable terms at affordable rates. Enjoying the reputation of providing credit card processing options will secure your position in the local business community.

2. A Fast Merchant Account could bring in more customers. Many consumers dislike the hassles of paying by cash. Some don’t like to carry along a checkbook when they go shopping. When they visit your Website or shop and learn that you do not accept credit cards, you may have lost your chance forever to court their favor and curry their patronage. But offering credit card processing can move the checkout line quickly along and help paying customers avoid problems associated with cash-only transactions. Post a sign on your Website or at your door to let shoppers know that credit will be accepted.

3. A Fast Merchant Account may prompt your clients to shop often and spend more. Some studies suggest that customers who pay with credit cards buy more than those who pay with cash. While you don’t want to encourage reckless spending in your customers, you want to provide them with the freedom to choose the most convenient payment method rather than restricting the way they can do business with your company. They may get in the habit of shopping with your enterprise, and they could even bring along family members and friends. Many company owners who open merchant accounts claim that their client bases grow along with their profits.

4. A Fast Merchant Account might increase your sales volume and profit margin. When customers feel comfortable in shopping at a company where they can use credit payments, they may be inclined to buy more and to return often. They could let others know as well, and before you know it, your client base could double. But if you continue doing business the old fashioned way, you may never see these benefits materialize. Before you know it, your local and international competitors will be doing business light years ahead of you if you do not open a merchant account and provide credit processing options like credit card swiping and Website credit payments to your clientele.

Find out what merchant services can do to prepare your business to negotiate e-commerce in the 21st century. It can all begin with a Fast Merchant Account!

Published By : The Author

Your House Can Sell Quickly through Estate Agents

You might also want to consider Joint Sole Agency meaning you will have two agents marketing your property simultainously. In a way this can kill two birds with one stone as they can bring more buyers to view your home.

There are a few things you can do when choosing an agent to help sell your home as mentioned above what you inform them to do is just as important as getting the highest sale price for your home.

You might also want to consider Joint Sole Agency meaning you will have two agents marketing your property simultainously. In a way this can kill two birds with one stone as they can bring more buyers to view your home. And it doesn’t matter which agent finds a buyer first, as the commission will be divided between them at the end. Beware though, that this also means the rates they charge are more than if you used just one agent through Sole Agency.

These days it is not too difficult to sell a property yourself, if you know all the details about things like contracts and property auction. Using agents may be the traditional way of selling your home, but it is particularly suited to;

- A property that has a for a high value
- Buyers who haven’t found a house they like yet
- You if you are not stuck to a set time limit
- You if you want your property to have sold within six months
- People who don’t want to be too involved with the sale of a property.

Agents can reduce their fee, for example with some you may not need to pay for a HIP, and some might even pay your legal fees! But definitely check with them first. Double check your situation before diving head-first into anything concerning your property; do you need a cash buyer quickly? Are you in a chain but need something to help you move between homes?

Probably the most obvious thing, but if you understand your own situation clearly, giving that information to an agent will help them help you find the best solution. Because they are usually trained or have been in the industry long enough to know a lot of the rules, but it doesn’t hurt to know a thing or two yourself.

Even though using an agent may help to reduce the price, there is still no guarantee of an actual sale. No doubt there will be at least some disadvantages to using agents, such as delays, inconvenience and risk, but if you think about it the advantages tend to outweigh the negatives in the world of property.

Published By : The Author

Your Internet Business: How to Succeed Where Others Fail

When you know what to look for, it’s not difficult to separate the best Internet business opportunities from the dregs.

If you’re in the market for a business opportunity, the chances are good that you’ve explored a variety of ways to make money online and work from home. In truth, there are so many Internet business opportunities out there that it’s almost impossible to tell the best from the rest. And the grim reality is that, while thousands of people launch online businesses in the hope of achieving financial freedom, the majority end up making very little money at all, or worse, paying out more money to their uplines than they’re ever able to recoup.

The good news is that, with the right partnership, you can promote your existing business while multiplying your revenue streams. That way, you don’t have to rely on a single, make-or-break source of income. It’s a bit like planting a garden. It would never cross your mind to plant a single seed in the spring and count on that to feed your family throughout the summer. Instead, you’d plant many varieties of seeds, knowing that one or more will bear fruit as the seasons progress.

The Internet business partner you choose should be one that can provide you the one thing that is the downfall of most work from home opportunities: training. All too often, people who intend to succeed come up against their own limitations and fail to properly market their products. In our garden analogy, that’s like planting your seeds in a drought - why bother? The company you select should have a proven track record of Internet marketing success, and give you the water spigot and hose you need to tend to your business garden.

So, make sure to look for a company that provides you with training on topics ranging from online and offline marketing to back office functionality and goal setting. They should also be equipped to provide you with tutorials on a wide variety of powerful marketing techniques. After all, there’s stiff competition on the Internet, and in order to successfully compete, you need to know all there is to know about methods such as article marketing, blogging, email marketing, banner advertising, press releases, pay-per-click advertising, and viral marketing - just to name a few.

At the same time, being knowledgeable about Internet marketing doesn’t mean that you need to reinvent the wheel. Instead, look for a business opportunity that provides you with tools like professional lead capture pages, automated follow-up, a sales center, and a secure website. Ideally, they should also provide you with highly sought after products that you can re-sell - items like audios, videos, software, templates, and guides. This way, you can increase those revenue streams by earning a healthy commission on every sale, and still have the professional infrastructure in place to promote your existing business.

When you know what to look for, it’s not difficult to separate the best Internet business opportunities from the dregs. In no time at all, your seeds will have sprouted, your plants will bloom, and you’ll be reaping a bountiful harvest.

Published By : The Author

Use Noncompete Agreements To Help Protect Your Business From

Q: One of my former employees has started a competing business and is calling my clients and trying to steal their business from me. Do I have any legal recourse against him?
– Brad J.

A: I hate to break this to you, Brad, but unless this former employee signed a noncompete agreement while on your payroll, there is probably very little you can do to stop him from wooing your customers. You should discuss the situation with your attorney, but unless this person is also breaking the law in some other way (using stolen trade secrets, for example) your attorney will probably concur with me.

Renegade former employees riding the free enterprise wave is one reason noncompete agreements are gaining in popularity among employers who hope to use them to help protect their business from competitive threats launched by former employees. Many employers are now demanding that key employees sign noncompetes as a stipulation of employment. While signing noncompetes usually doesn’t sit well with employees who view them as potential roadblocks to their upwardly mobile career path, many businesses will not hire a key employee without his or her signature on the dotted line.

A noncompete agreement is a formal contract between you and your employees in which they promise not to use information or contacts pertinent to your business in a competing situation. In other words, they agree not to take everything they learn working for you and put it to use for someone else. This could mean going to work for a competitor or starting a competing business of their own.

While not popular with employees, noncompete agreements are a good way for employers to keep key employees on the payroll and protect the company’s proprietary information. That said, do not go overboard with noncompetes: not every employee should be required to sign one. If an employee does not have access to sensitive information, customer or accounting data, or is integral to the overall success of your business, there is no need to have them sign a noncompete. The janitor, for example, poses very little threat to your business if he gets a job with a competitor. Your sales manager, on the other hand, can devastate your business by hooking his wagon to a competing horse.

Which employees should sign noncompete agreements? While the prerequisites vary from business to business, the following is a good general list. The term “employees” represents executive level, management, supervisory, and non-management personnel relative to that example:

- Employees involved in research or product development. - Employees involved in the design, fabrication, engineering, and manufacturing process. - Employees who service products made and sold by your company. - Sales and service employees who have regular contact with customers or sensitive customer information. - Employees with access to sensitive business information or trade secrets. - Most importantly, employees who have sufficient information about your business that would allow them to start a competing business.

Most business experts agree that noncompete agreements are generally a good way to protect your business. The downside is that noncompete agreements are often difficult to enforce and in some states, may not be enforceable at all. Many state courts have ruled that noncompete agreements are too restrictive on an employee’s right to earn a living.

In California, for instance, noncompetes are generally only enforceable in connection with the sale of a business and not for employees. In Alabama, noncompetes are generally enforceable in only two contexts: the sale of a business and in connection with employment - but even then the enforcement requires that there be a valid interest worthy of protection.

Some states require that the noncompete be signed at the beginning of the employment relationship and will only consider the enforcement of a noncompete signed after the initial employment date if the signing of the noncompete was accompanied by a promotion, raise in pay, or other event that elevated the employee to a more important role within the company.

To be enforceable, noncompete agreements must be reasonable on three accounts: Time, geography and scope. Regarding time, you can’t restrict someone from competing with you forever, so one to three years is the accepted time period for most noncompetes.

As to geography, you can enforce restriction in the general area where you conduct business, but you can not enforce the restriction beyond those boundaries. And for scope, the agreement can restrict certain actions on the part of the employee, but can’t be so generally restrictive that the employee won’t be able to earn a living working in the same industry in a noncompetitive position.

One interesting thing to note: noncompete agreements are not enforceable against certain “professionals,” like doctors, CPAs, and lawyers (who do you think writes all those noncompetes).

At this point, Brad, the best thing you can do is contact your attorney to see if you have other grounds for suit, then contact your customers and let them know what’s going on.

Explain the situation regarding the former employee, but do so calmly and resist the urge to tell them what you really think of this guy. Showing your anger to the customer is not going to help you keep their business .

Reaffirm your relationship with the client, tell him how much you value his business, remind him of your track record and level of service, then ask one simple question: What can I do to make sure your business stays with me?

Here’s to your success!

Published By : The Author

Hackers successfully stole passwords from some of Facebook's 200 million Users

Facebook has been hit by another hacking attack, as a phishing campaign was used to steal passwords from users of the social networking site.

Facebook spokesman Barry Schnitt said that the site was in the process of cleaning up damage from the attack, and that that Facebook was blocking compromised accounts.

Schnitt declined to say how many accounts had been compromised.

The hackers got passwords through what is known as a phishing attack, breaking into accounts of some Facebook members, then sending e-mails to friends and urging them to click on links to fake websites.

Those sites were designed to look like the Facebook home page. The victims were directed to log back in to the site, but actually logged into the one controlled by the hackers, unwittingly giving away their passwords.

The fake domains include, and Facebook has deleted all references to those domains.

Schnitt said that Facebook's security team believes the hackers intended to collect a large number of credentials, then use those accounts at a later time to send spam hawking fake pharmaceuticals and other goods to Facebook members.

The site fought off a similar attack two weeks ago, he said.

Hackers used a phishing attack last year to spread a malicious virus known as Koobface, a reference to Facebook. It was downloaded onto Facebook members' PCs when they clicked on a link sent to them in an email that looked like it had been sent by a friend on Facebook.

By : Jim Finkle, Reuters

Re-Published By : The Author

Use What You Know Best To Excel In Business

With energy prices going up and the job market staying flat, a great many of us are thinking about starting some kind of business to earn some extra income.

You’re probably also thinking in the back of your mind that your business could take off, make a lot of money, and you could say good-bye to your boss, commuting, and spending so much time away from home.

Good for you! I KNOW you can do it and here’s why.

Usually when people start thinking of going into business for themselves, they concentrate on all the things they DON’T already know. They try to learn more about computers, take a class at the community school, read reports online, and talk to others who have worked in the business.

Those things are good, but what will really help you excel in business are things you ALREADY have and know how to do well.

* Do you show up for work on time day after day? That’s DISCIPLINE. It’s the one must-have factor that separates the go-getters from the tire kickers. You have to be able to set your sights on something, know what you believe in, and not give up easily. You have to show up and do your job day after day until the cash starts rolling in. I know–that’s common sense. But you would be surprised at how many people fail at business simply because they didn’t give it a little discipline.

* Sell what you LIKE and KNOW. People like to buy from business owners who not only know a lot about the product or service, but are also ENTHUSIASTIC about it. It really helps if you know and like what you’re selling. If you have a hobby, base your business around some aspect of that. One guy I know loves to play the guitar, so now he makes a fine income selling used guitars on eBay. I spent many years in body building and fitness. Now I sell a popular line of health and wellness products. If somebody wants to know why these products work, I tell them, and I tell them with enthusiasm. It works remarkably well.

* Team up with others. It’s really beneficial to have help from somebody who has been in the business a while. They can save you countless hours by showing you the pitfalls of the industry. They can also greatly speed up your progress by showing you what works. But most importantly, a mentor can give you encouragement when your enthusiasm and discipline is waning. We all have those days when we get a little discouraged. An email or phone call from a mentor can get you back on track fast. And that’s what it takes to succeed.

Consider these three important ideas before going into business. Then know that you CAN succeed. Creating your own business can be the best, most exciting thing you will ever do for yourself or your family.

Published By : The Author

Used Medical Equipment Is Your Best Choice For Todays Market

What are some of the benefits of purchasing used medical equipment and are their trusted sources out there to buy from?

Used Medical Equipment

Used medical equipment has become a growing trend as the demand for quality medical equipment increases and the costs of purchasing medical equipment at full price becomes more difficult to do.

Keep in mind that our economics are changing all the time and not all companies have a budget to spend as they please these used medical equipment for doctors, hospitals, non profit organizations and more need a way to provide up to date technology without the high costs of purchasing new medical equipment.

The problem with used medical equipment is finding a reliable source that offers not only used medical equipment but takes the time to test and restore the used medical equipment to insure full functionality. Before you purchase from any company make sure they offer some kind of guarantee package and maintenance package.

It is also important to find a company that can work with your budget. In most cases the facilities that require the used medical equipment have a low budget to work with so finding a company that can offer financing or even leasing used medical equipment can be very helpful.

There are a few companies that offer the best used medical equipment to fit all your needs. Proving customer satisfaction on every item they sell you can be sure that when you purchase your used medical equipment from them it will be working properly and can even lease or buy outright these equipments. You can also opt in for a service agreement and receive maintenance on your used medical equipment.

These companies can also repair your used medical equipment and bring them back to full working order. Offer them to trade in or sell your used medical equipment and rest assured they will fully repair and re-sell the equipment to make sure it continues to get use from others who are in need of great working medical equipment.

We want to make sure you understand the benefits of using restored medical equipment:

- The used medical equipment should be fully repaired and guaranteed to be in full working
order when you receive your purchase
- You should also be able to buy used medical equipment or lease from them
- Sell your used medical equipment or trade in your used medical equipment
- repair or maintain your equipment

Published By : The Author

Using Age Verification Software in Your Business

There are many reasons you might need to know the age of people who are frequenting your business. Maybe you run a nightclub and only want people over the age of 21 to be admitted. Or you could own a shop that sells cigarettes, or a restaurant that serves alcohol.

Whatever the reason you need to verify a person’s age, you know that it is important to do so. As a conscientious business owner you don’t want to sell to minors, and the fines and penalties can be heavy if you are caught.

But checking the identification of every patron and doing the math to make sure they are the right age can be time consuming. That’s where electronic age verification software comes in.

Age verification software is built into a device that looks like a credit card scanner. The device reads the barcode or magnetic strip that is built into the patron’s driver’s license or state identification card.

When you swipe their identification card, you will be told immediately if this person is the proper age to buy tobacco or alcohol or for whatever other reason you might need to know their age.

This eliminates the need for someone to physically examine the identification card and makes it quick and easy for you to grant access to people who are of age.

Electronic age verification equipment can often be obtained from the same company that provides your credit card transaction equipment. It is no more difficult to use one of these devices than it is to swipe a credit card, so you can start using age verification in your business with minimal staff training.

A study from Brandeis University looked at the effectiveness of using electronic age verification hardware and found that customers were not uncomfortable with swiping their IDs. Staff who used the equipment said they were generally happy with it as well.

Getting into the habit of using the machines seemed to be the biggest problem, but once you get used to having the machine available you will be more likely to use it since it is a simple method of verifying age.

Adding electronic age verification is an easy way to ensure that you’re not running afoul of the law by selling items to minors that they should not have access to. Getting one of these machines and using it faithfully should help you rest easy that you’re not going to get in trouble for selling to minors. It’s also a great way to get positive publicity in your community because you can prove you’re checking people’s identifications in the most high-tech way possible.

Published By : The Author

How to Prepare For an Interview

Once you get the call for the interview, the next thing that you have to do is prepare for it. You can never over prepare for an interview. The more prepared you are, the harder it will be to make mistakes. It is best to prepare yourself emotionally as well as intellectually for an interview. Giving a great interview is not as hard as some may think, but not as easy as others do either. Here are a few things that must be done in order to prepare for your next interview.

Remember, during an interview, you are a salesman. You are there to sell yourself to your prospective employer. You want to market yourself in the most interesting way possible. Great preparation for the interview is your best bet. A salesman that is knowledgeable, friendly and positive always gets the close.

Do Your Research

It doesn’t matter how much knowledge or experience you have about the position that you are trying to get in a company if you don’t have a clue who the company is or what they do. It is disastrous to enter into an interview and not be able to tell your interviewer what their company is about. How else are you going to tell them why you feel that you would be a good addition to their company?

A good and less time consuming way to get to know about a company is to look up their website. You can get all of the general knowledge about them that way, including the names of key people and their job titles. You should sift through most of their pages, including the pages that show samples of their work and/or products. You can also look them up in the media files if there are any. Read the articles about them and soak in as much information as possible.

Another thing that would be nice to do is to check out the surrounding area around the company. It makes for a nice breaker during the interview. You can make a comment about a particular monument or resting place nearby.

A trickier way to get a little extra information about the company is to call them on the phone and ask general questions, without referring to yourself as a potential employee. It’s a nice way to get the goods on upcoming promotions etc.

Know Your Contact

When called for an interview, ask to whom you will be talking to. It is nice to be able to greet your interviewer by name at the beginning of the interview without first being told who they are. It shows that you are on top of things, and have prepared before hand.

You will also want to do some research on the person that will be conducting your interview. Learn what they do for the company and try to get some samples of their work or achievements in the company.

If you know what department that you are going to work in you may want to get the names of your potential colleagues and superiors prior to the interview as well. This way you can get some information about their roles in the company and the types of work that they have done.

Mention some of the things that you learn about your potential colleagues in the interview and about how much you look forward to working with them in the future. If you can, give an example of their work so that you will appear more sincere.

Practice Your Responses

It is best, if you are prone to nervousness, to practice giving your responses to the questions that may be asked of you. You should practice your wording and the tone of voice that you plan to use; Try keeping your responses as brief as possible, but with as much detail as you can.

When you are trying to work out the proper responses to the interviewer’s questions, you will also want to practice the art of getting your nerves under control as well as ridding yourself of any other odd habits while talking; like expressing yourself with your hands.

Practice answering your interview questions with a friend. Get his or her opinion about your delivery and gestures. Perhaps your friend will have some nice insights for you to use during the real interview.

Dress the Part

Pre-select your attire the day before your interview. You want to make sure that your clothes do not have any wrinkles or stains on them. Pick an outfit that best suits the type of job that you are applying for. If you are going to work in an office setting, you should dress conservatively. Soft earth tones are best for women. Try to avoid mini skirts and shirts that show too much skin. A nice dark suit is good for a male.

Of course if you are planning to work outdoors or in an artistic environment, you can dress a little more casually. Just be certain to avoid wearing denim jeans, over sized clothing, and under sized clothing. Women should try and avoid wearing too much make-up as well. It gives the wrong impression.

Even in the hotter seasons, you should not wear sandals or gym shoes to an interview. It sends an unprofessional message. The same goes for hats and other accessories.

Get Organized

Make sure that all of the things that you will need for the interview are prepared the day before. Make a checklist of the things that you will need if you have to. You should always have an extra resume handy during the interview. You should also bring with you a note pad to take notes during the interview if needed. (Only write down the important things that you think you will need to remember)If you have a business card, have one handy, it makes for easy contact later, and it also shows that you are professional and may help the employer to remember your name.

Published By : The Author

Background Requirements For A Career In Biotechnology

If you’re seeking a career in biotechnology, one thing is for certain … the more education you have, the higher up you can go. The fact is, no matter where you wind up working, you will be surrounded by people with Ph.D.’s and medical degrees. It is highly unlikely that an individual without an advanced degree such as these will get to the top of the corporate chain.

Therefore a bachelor’s degree in the life sciences is a bare minimum. After that, it is recommended that you pursue an advanced degree; whether it be a master’s degree or higher. Common degrees include; molecular biology, cell physiology, biochemistry, genetics and the like.

You should plan to take as many labs in college as possible as these will provide you with hands-on experience. Teaching as a student-teacher is also a wise move, as is becoming a part of a research project. It is possible to co-author a quality research paper before you ever even graduate with a bachelor’s degree.

Biotechnologists frequently gain employment for biotech corporations. Over the last two decades, thousands of biotech corporations have sprung up around the globe. From start-ups to companies the size of Amgen, the choices range from pay to research to prestige.

Employment in the biotech industry may also be sought in academic institutes; such as universities and non-profit organizations. These typically pay less than biotech corporations, but may have more opportunities for independent research.

As a biotechnologist, you will spend most of your work hours in a laboratory. The work can be tedious and requires patience, but many truly enjoy working with their hands. You will design and carry out experiments and will need to keep good records.

The best biotechnologists enjoy innovation and the spirit of helping to advance society. If you choose biotechnology as a career, you can expect to be right on the cutting edge of technology.

Published By : The Author

Aseptic Technician Jobs Require Specific Experience Of Aseptic Techniques

Aseptic technician jobs typically require qualifications in biology or microbiology up to degree level, and specific experience in aseptic practices. Aseptic techniques are used to prevent contamination, spoilage or unwanted fermentation during medical procedures or production processes.

Aseptic Techniques and Technicians

Aseptic techniques aim at keeping the concerned area free of microorganisms that cause the contamination etc. People are the greatest source of contamination and at the same time, people are needed to carry out processes. Aseptic technician’s job is to help achieve desired levels of sterilization in the environment where processes are being carried out and monitor contamination levels.

Use of barriers between people and processes, clean rooms, sterile gloves and such practices help eliminate or minimize levels of possible contamination. The aseptic technician has to be familiar with the practices adopted and must have the training to understand the issues involved.

In pharmaceutical production, aseptic techniques involve mechanical aspects such as ensuring that the equipment, clean rooms and utilities are operated and maintained in a way that lead to an aseptic environment in production areas. This typically requires a mechanical aptitude, and engineers with relevant experience are considered for aseptic technician jobs.

In addition to aseptic practices and industry standards, the aseptic technician will also have to be familiar with applicable regulations so that the person can oversee compliance with these.

Who Needs Aseptic Technicians?

* Hospitals need aseptic technicians to establish and oversee practices that prevent sepsis problems in general and in surgery rooms in particular.

* The food industry needs aseptic technicians to ensure that the production processes will result in preventing spoilage of products before their expiry dates.

* Pharmaceutical companies need aseptic technicians to oversee production practices and ensure that the products are manufactured in a manner that complies with applicable regulations and industry standards.

* Medical device and hospital supplies manufacturers also need aseptic technicians to ensure that their products meet aseptic considerations.

Other businesses can also benefit from the expertise of aseptic technicians, though they might not employ them. Clinical laboratories, nursing homes and tetra pack manufacturers, for example, could do with asepsis related advice and support.

How Does the Aseptic Technician Work?

The specifications of the aseptic technician job will vary from industry to industry, and to a lesser extent, even from establishment to establishment. The following specifications by a chemotherapy services establishment can give you an idea of the work involved:

The aseptic technician will report to the Aseptic Services Manager and will work closely with clinical services, IV and day care teams.

The aseptic technician job involves:

* Supporting the daily management of the chemotherapy unit and aseptic services unit,
* Helping with creating and maintaining a quality management system for the aseptic unit,
* Providing pharmacy input to the management of day care patient-centered chemotherapy service and,
* Contributing to the provision of clinical pharmacy services and dispensary.

The aseptic technician has to help establish and maintain good practices with regards to processes and/or internal conditions leading to an aseptic environment.

Published By : The Author

Aviation Maintenance Job Boards

A career in aviation maintenance presents many job opportunities for the savvy job seeker. Some of the top employment sites are listed within.

Aviation maintenance opportunities can be found on various sites on the internet. Some job sites specialize in maintenance opportunities, while others do not, however they still manage to list their fair share of relevant opportunities. Please read on to learn about several key sites available to you.

Aero-tech – Billing themselves as the leading technical and engineering staffing agency, Aerotek features jobs in eleven different specialties, including aviation. Job titles featured include: avionics technician, A&P mechanic, aircraft mechanic, quality assurance, and more.

Aviation Employment Board – A free job listing site, this board lists job opportunities across the field of business and commercial aviation. Registration is free and you can post your resume for free as well.

Monster – One of the largest job boards on the internet, Monster has over 800,000 opportunities available. Aviation job listings are somewhat limited, but some good opportunities are posted from time to time. Registration is free and you can post your resume for free as well.

Hot Jobs – Owned by Yahoo, Hot Jobs is job site listing several hundred thousand opportunities at any given time. Aviation opportunities are limited, however. Registration is free and you can post your resume for free as well.

Nation Job – Since 1988, Nation Job has been a leader in electronic recruitment. The site offers free access to visitors, no registration required. Usually several hundred maintenance opportunities are featured at any given time.

Career Builder – This is the largest job opportunity site on the internet, with over one million jobs listed. Aviation opportunities are listed; the site compares favorably with Monster as far as the number of aviation opportunities available. Registration is free and you can post your resume for free as well.

Aviation Employment – Listing more aviation maintenance opportunities then anyone else, Aviation Employment is a free site, no registration required. Typically, over one thousand aviation jobs are listed at any given time.

PAMA – The Professional Maintenance Aviation Association is a private organization dedicated to furthering professionalism amongst members of the aviation maintenance community. Membership starts at $49 per year which allows for members to view jobs and access other member benefits.

Other boards listing aviation maintenance positions include: Plane Jobs, AEPS, Avianation, Climb to 350, and Avjobs. Leading companies are always hiring, contact prospective employers directly.

Published By : The Author

How to Find a Job in Insurance

Do you have your insurance license and are ready to take the industry by storm? Are you an experienced agent, adjuster, underwriter, or broker looking for an exciting new challenge? Regardless of the level of your insurance industry experience, looking for a new job can be a time-consuming and frequently frustrating process. A big part of the job search process is knowing where to look for insurance positions.

Licensing is an important part of working in the insurance industry. Some companies will require that you hold a current applicable license before agreeing to hire you, while others are very willing to assist you in procuring the appropriate license(s). This requirement can even vary from department to department within the same company, so it will be necessary to check on the licensing requirement for each position when applying.

The following tips and tricks are designed to take some of the headache out of your search, by giving you some guidelines on steps you can take to land your ideal insurance industry position.

Depending on the type of insurance you are most interested in, visit the recruiting departments of various insurance agencies to inquire about available positions. If there are no current vacancies, ask if you can submit your resume to remain on file should future openings match what you are seeking.

Contact recruitment and contract employment agencies that work in the insurance industry. Aligning yourself with a recruiter can give you access to jobs that are often not advertised to the public. The great thing about recruiting agencies is that allow you to “apply” for positions at multiple companies simultaneously with a single resume submittal, since most recruiters will shop your resume around to all of the available openings.

Use the internet to your advantage. Searching for “insurance”, “underwriting”, “broker”, “agent”, “adjuster” or any number of other insurance-related terms on major job boards such as and will unearth hundreds of available openings – just be aware that competition for these positions is stiff since hundreds of other professionals are looking at and applying for the exact same jobs.

Colleges and universities often have a database of available positions in the school’s Career Center. Career Center advisors are also excellent sources of information on how to network in the industry and get your foot in the door. Schools that offer business, accounting, and financial degrees are especially likely to have insurance contacts. Note though, that many school limit Career Center resource access to current students or alumni.

Network, network, network! Let friends, family, and casual acquaintances know that you are on the market for a new position. Since most companies are much more willing to interview (and potentially hire) candidates who have already been vouched for, it’s important to get the word out that you are available and seeking a new opportunity.

If you aren’t dead-set on working in a particular insurance field, take advantage of the wide range of positions available in the industry. Expand your job search to investigate opportunities in:

o Auto insurance
o Health insurance
o Workers’ Compensation
o Other types of business insurance (such as E&O, EPLI, etc.)
o Life insurance
o Home owner’s insurance

Don’t be averse to accepting a contract, junior, or “training” position. This are often a great way to get you foot in the door in the insurance industry. It also gives you a chance to evaluate an organization and department to ensure it is a match before fully committing yourself to a long-term full-time position.

Searching insurance industry-specific job boards for available opportunities is a great way to target only those jobs that in the insurance industry.

Published By : The Author

How to Use a Resume Objective to Help Your Job Application

A resume objective statement, while an optional section of your resume, can be a powerful tool for job seekers if it used to its full potential. Strong objectives indicate how you will be of value to the company in one clear and concise statement. It tells potential employers your purpose or goal by applying to their company, and indicates the direction you want your career to go.

The decision to include an objective is not one to be taken lightly, since a weak or ineffectual objective will detract from the entire resume. In fact, many recruiters feel it is better to exclude an objective entirely than to include a weak statement or one that is too generalized. As a rule, individuals who are applying for non-traditional positions such as internships or co-ops, those with limited professional work experience, and those who are seeking to break into a new career or field stand to benefit the most from the inclusion of an objective statement on their resumes. In these instances, the objective will allow employers to immediately identify the type of position you are seeking and clarify your intent and interest in the organization. However, if you are using your resume for a more general purpose such as a job fair, employment agency submission, or website job board posting, it does not make sense to include an objective that will limit your options. Other individuals will need to make a personal decision as to the value an objective statement will add to their resume.

If included, the objective appears at the top of your resume, right beneath your contact information. An objective will typically address one or more of the following areas:

1. The type of position desired - Are you seeking an internship, a part-time, or a full-time position? Is your goal an entry-level, experienced, or supervisory position?

2. The actual name or title of the position you desire - Are you applying for the Administrative Assistant or the Technical Services Manager opening?

3. Is there a specific environment, industry, or field that you are targeting?

4. Any skills you hope to utilize in a new position

Since the purpose of an objective is to direct employees as to your specific goals within their organization and indicate how you will add value, it may be necessary to tailor your objective to each individual position. Objectives that are vague and non-specific are useless, so if you are not able to identify a specific goal or value in your objective, do not include it on the resume

Published By : The Author

Continuing Education for Nurses

An article on the importance of continuing education for nursing.

The following article relates not only to nurses but also to those aspiring to enter the noble profession of nursing. We hope you will get some insight into this field.
Although we have used the female reference for nurses throughout this article (”she”, “her”), this is done purely for convenience and in no way reflects the gender status of nurses in today’s society.

Most people assume that once a nurse has completed her education and has become registered, that is the “end” and that no more learning or education is required. This couldn’t be further from the truth. There’s more to nursing then just tending and looking after patients.

It is highly critical that a nurse maintain and continue her ongoing education and is kept current on her profession. This is an integral part of maintaining her registration.

A nurse’s life in the 21st century is extremely fast paced. There are medical advances in precedures almost on a daily basis and it is essential that a nurse is kept abreast and is at the forefront of these improvements. This requires a high level of time management and dedication to improve oneself in addition to spending long hours in clinics and hospitals. Of course this is much easier said than done.

It is in the best interests of a good hospital to provide everything needed for nurses to continue their education. A good hospital will also more than likely pay for the education of their nurses. A lack of funds should not be a deterrent to a nurse continuing her education.

Many nurses regularly subscribe to nursing periodicals and magazines to keep up to date with their ongoing education.. Nurses are encouraged to go through the relavent published journals on a regular basis.

Of course let’s not forget that just as important to success is the keeping of portfolios and timely documentation detailing all the training and education received throughout the nursing carreer. This written journal also serves as a method of organizing in an orderly manner, all the continuing education undertaken.

Admittedly, there exists a challenge with regards to access to this education for nurses, namely the expense, since nursing is still not considered to be among the better paid professions. This challenge to accessibility can perhaps be met by employers coming forward and funding the continuing education of registered nurses.

Please be sure to check out the many additional resources available on this topic online.

Published By : The Author

Top 10 Secrets Of Outrageously Successful Business Owners

Are you struggling to make a profit? Are you challenged in reaching your next success level? Would just like to reach your desired business goals faster?

Then “THE TOP 10 SECRETS OF OUTRAGEOUSLY SUCCESSFUL ENTERPRISES” is a *must* for you. These business secrets are the *BEST OF THE BEST.* These secrets were not gotten from a book or seminar. Rather they represent the wisdom I gained from coaching & consulting hundreds of businesses over the last 21 years … from the soloist entrepreneur to multi-billion dollar companies.

I GUARANTEE if you apply any one of these top 10 secrets with conviction and commitment, you will experience quantum leaps in your business.



While we all experience highs and lows in our business, outrageously successful enterprises EXPECT to succeed over the long run. For such enterprises,

Success is the ONLY option.

To what extent do you EXPECT to succeed in your business? What less empowering expectations currently undermine your success? Make a *decision* today to succeed. “Cut the cord” on all other possible outcomes.


While most businesses have crafted a mission statement, it is not enough just to have one. Outrageously successful enterprises live and breathe their mission statement … in every goal, every strategy and every project of their business. It is the life force and the reason for everything they do.

Do you have a compelling mission statement for your business? Do you communicate it - both in words and actions - to every client, every prospect, every employee? If you asked any one of these stakeholders what is your mission, would they know what to say?

Post and read your mission statement daily. Include it in all your collateral materials. Live and breathe your mission statement in every goal, decision and action. This one principle will make your business a compelling magnet for greater and greater levels of success.


***** “Where is the opportunity in this situation?” *******

Within *every business challenge,* there is an extraordinary opportunity for a HUGE breakthrough. Even with the most difficult challenges, outrageously successful enterprises never see challenges. They ONLY see opportunities. They constantly ask: “Where is the opportunity in this situation?”

Where is your focus right now in your business - on the challenge or the opportunity? Make it a habit with every challenge to ask: “Where is the opportunity in this situation?” that one question will blow open the doors to new solutions, new strategies and new possibilities to take your business to the next level.


Outrageously successful enterprises are constantly “IN LOVE.” Yes, that’s right. They LOVE their customers. They LOVE their employees and vendors. They LOVE their visions. They LOVE everything about their business.

This priniciple is not something you get from a book. It comes from the very heart and soul of why you are in business. When you are “in love,” it shines forth in every client interaction, every exchange with a prospect, every dealing with a peer or vendor. Remember the old cliche, “People don’t care what you know; they want to know that you care.”

Are you “IN LOVE” wiith your clients and prospects? Are you “IN LOVE” with the benefits you offer? Are you “IN LOVE” with every aspect of your business? If not, why not? What do you need to change about your attitude, beliefs or actions to become the “Ultimate Business Romanticist.”



Contrary to conventional business thinking, marketing does not end with a sale. Outrageously successful enterprises know that marketing is a perpetual process. And, contrary to most business practices, these enterprises focus more than 50% of their marketing efforts **after the sale** — such as ‘post sale” follow-up, repeat business incentives, back-end selling, referral marketing, etc. They know that the greatest revenues are generated *after the sale.”

How do you see and practice marketing in your business — as an event or a continuum? What *post sales* and prospect follow-up activities can you incorporate as the focus of your marketing efforts? This one shift n your marketing focus alone can increase your revenues 100%, 200%, even 500% … more than any marketing action you take in your business.


Within every target market, there is a high end and a low end market and everything in between. Million $$ enterprises constantly stretch their marketing sights and target prospects that most businesses would think impossible to acquire as clients. They constantly “market up” to high end prospects … a strategy that catalyzes their business to a much bigger game.

What specific prospects … or kinds of prospects … would you love to have a clients or customers but think it is impossible? Think out side the box and think BIG. It could be celebrities, politicians, admired companies or CEO's, leaders in your community, role-models, etc.

Pick one high end prospect to start. Build a marketing campaign to reach that person or company. This strategy requires persistance, yet is well worth it. From my own first hand experience, ”marketing up” can skyrocket your revenues and business exposure instantly and multiply your profits for years to come .


Outrageously successful enterprises are in the business of creating value. They have a stgrong conviction to contribute to more and more richness to their clients’ lives and businesses.

In everything they say and do. they let clients know “you matter. Your well-being and success is important to us.” They focus on “what do I have to give?” … NOT “what do I have to do to get a sale?”

Where is your focus right now — on adding value, or making the sale? Make a list of at least 10 ways yo can increase the value of your products and services. Implement the easiest one ideas … starting now. Make “adding value” a routine business priority. When you do, your products and services will sell themselves.



Outrageously successful enterprises are masters at achieving the greatest return at the lowest possible risk. They constantly look for ways to reduce the amount of time, money and energy to achieve their ultimate goals.

They take what works and see if they can make it better, faster, cheaper. They know the “what if” implications of every new strategy, goal, product or service. They are pros at maximizing performance trade-offs.

Do your know the profit-abiilty of each product or service you offered? Do you know what clients are the most expensive, demanding or time-consuming to serve? If you doubled your client base, do you know the implications on costs, revenues and the operations of your business?

To optimize your business results, think highest and best use of your time, energy and money. ALWAYS THINK HIGHEST AND BEST!!


Most businesses build their enterprises in a haphazard way. Outrageously successful businesses grow their businesses from a place of leverage. They look for new ways to convert their current assets, strengths and opportunities into new revenue streams. They constantly take inventory and seek ways to profit from untapped capabilities and underutilized resources. They integrate marketing activities into a single business strategy to maximize results.

How can you leverage

*** your current assets (eg., your client base, employees),
*** your current strengths (eg., your knowledge base, processes),
*** your current resources (eg., your business network, capital),
to quickly grow your business?

How can you revamp your marketing activities so that your products and services sell each other? Leverage is one of the most under-utilized principles for multiplying profits in business.


Outrageously successful enterprises understand that, in today’s economy, windows of oportunity are often measured in months … not years and decades. They know they cannot wait for the perfect strategy, the perfect solution to capitalize on these opportunities. They must act quickly if they want to thrive in these highly changing times.

Published By : The Author

Sales Therapy 101: Breaking Your Fear of Cold Calling

The fear of cold calling is a painful, daily struggle for many entrepreneurs and salespeople who have been trained in traditional selling techniques. Traditional sales trainers answer questions about cold calling this way.

Almost every day, visitors to my Unlock The Game™ website click on my live instant-messenger chat button, which invites them to “Ask Ari a selling question.”

The fear of cold calling is a painful, daily struggle for many entrepreneurs and salespeople who have been trained in traditional selling techniques.

Traditional sales trainers answer questions about cold calling this way:

“All you have to do is make more phone calls.”

“All you have to do is think more positive thoughts.”

“Just learn to accept rejection as a normal part of selling.”

In other words, “It’s your fault that you aren’t succeeding in sales.”

1. It’s Not Your Fault

We can’t help thinking there’s something wrong with us if other people keep telling us that something shouldn’t be a problem, but our own inner feelings tell us that we aren’t comfortable doing it.

There’s a sort of “old boys’ club” sales-conditioning mentality prevalent in English-speaking countries, including the US, Canada, the UK, Australia, and New Zealand, that says, “I had to suffer to succeed in sales success, so you need to, too!”

This thinking comes from traditional sales programs that continue to be the accepted approach to selling.

What you need to understand, though, is that you may fear cold calling because you have probably been exposed only to traditional selling approaches, which triggers rejection.

These approaches teach us to make cold calls this way: introduce yourself, explain what you do, suggest a benefit to the potential client…and then close your eyes and pray that they won’t reply with “Sorry, not interested” or “Sorry, I’m busy.”

If you’re still using this traditional approach, you probably hear responses like these the moment you stop talking.

They’re rejections, and what they do us make you feel rejected — and that’s reason enough to make you dislike, fear, and avoid cold calling.

How can cold calling be a positive experience if rejection is the most common response you get?

2. Are Your Self-Perceptions Passive or Aggressive?

Whenever I chat with people about the fear of cold calling, they almost< always tell me that they're afraid to make cold calls because they don't want to be perceived as "aggressive."

This is another part of the internal battle — they beat themselves up for being too passive and lacking the confidence to make the next call, but they don’t want to call for fear of being seen as aggressive.

Here’s the good news: there is a middle ground between “aggressive” and passive.”

It’s a place where you can be who you are while still being extremely effective with cold calling, without ever experiencing rejection again.

Unlock The Game™ shows you how you can be incredibly effective in cold calling without triggering rejection from potential clients. Imagine the possibilities (and the income potential).

3. Learn to Let Your Language Match Your Thinking

If you can center yourself into a place where you can let go of feeling that you have to go on using traditional cold calling “scripts” and behaviors, you’ll find yourself spontaneously using language that you would use in a natural conversation.

Using natural words and phrases — speaking exactly the way you would with someone

you know, can transform cold calling into a refreshing and productive experience.

And, as you let go of the old-school cold calling model, in which your product or service is your only way of generating a phone conversation with a prospect, you’ll make the most crucial transition of all: you’ll begin thinking of approaching potential prospects not from your perspective, but from theirs.

What do I mean by that?

Imagine what it would be like if you could hear your prospect’s thoughts about the problems they are having — and that your solution can solve.

Even more importantly, suppose you could also make note of the words and phrases they’re using as they think about their problems, and that you could take that language and embed it in your cold calling approach.

“Yes, but how would I do that?” you might ask.

It’s simple. Just ask your current clients what three core problems your product or service has solved for them.

When you change your thinking, you can’t help changing the language that you use, which lets you connect in a whole new positive way with the other person you are calling.

If you can let go of your old-school belief system and open up to the possibility that there is a more natural, comfortable way to cold call — one that doesn’t trigger rejection — you’ll be surprised by how easily you’ll break through and overcome your fear of cold calling.

Published By : The Author



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