Top Tips For Starting Your New Business
Prices are going up, up, up and just about everybody is needing a little extra cash these days. This is probably the best time ever for you to own your own small business.
Now before you start thinking you’ll have to get a bank loan, remember that you can own a small home-based business for just a few dollars–or even FREE.
You can easily run your home business from your kitchen table and, frankly, you can finance your business from a few bucks you save out of the grocery money.
How much time will it take to run your home business? That depends on several things, but mostly it depends on how hard you want to work your business. If you’ve got lots of time through the day you can work your business, then you can go after it full force. If you’ve already got a job or two, you can work your business in the evening, in the morning before work, or on the weekends.
The amount of money you earn will largely depend on how hard you work your business. If you’re full-time, your business can start out earning hundreds each month and move up to several thousand dollars a month in earnings.
Work your business part-time and you can earn anywhere from an extra $100 to $1,000 per month. And that might be just what you need to supplement your income from your regular job.
What kind of business should you own? Try to find one that matches your talents and needs. If you like to talk to people and sell them on your ideas, you would do very well in a business that requires a little selling. You’ll enjoy it and make a lot of money at it.
If the idea of having to sell something makes you want to run the other way, don’t worry. There are businesses that require almost no selling. About all you have to do is use the products you sell and talk to people about the products when they ask.
Of course, new customers rarely fall into your lap. You have to make an effort to find new prospects. Here are several simple and cheap ways to get new customers.
1. Talk to everyone you know about your business. More than a few will take an interest and want to buy from you.
2. Send out letters or postcards. Send 10 per week. You can get names and addresses from clubs, associations, the chamber of commerce, and “list brokers” who are in the business of selling addresses. Check your Yellow Pages under “Direct Mail”.
3. Put up a web site. Include all your experiences, products, and ideas on it, then register the site with Google. It’s free to do and pretty soon all the search engines will include your site’s listing.
4. Put ads in email newsletters. It’s a very cheap way to reach thousands of people who are probably very interested in a home business. Search Google for “e-zine directory” to find sites that list thousands of email newsletters.
5. Sell your products or service as a fund-raiser for a local non-profit. They can sell the product you supply. It’s a win for them and a BIG win for you, as you’ll make money from those sales and often grab new customers in the process.
6. Sell at flea markets in your area. Get a low-cost booth and tell your story to anyone who will listen. That’s what flea markets are for, and you won’t feel one bit out of place.
7. If you already have a web site, promote your business on your site and convert your audience into customers.
These are a few time-tested ideas to help you get started. If you’re getting the itch to start your own business, go for it. It’ll be the smartest thing you’ll ever do.
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