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“Knot With My Thread” - Stringing Choices For Beading & Jewelry Making

There are many issues about the choice of stringing material for beading. Here is an interesting article on the different stringing materials and their usage.

One very important lesson I learned is that there is no one, all-purpose (Universal) stringing material.

Here are the major stringing materials along with how and when to use each of them.

SILK THREAD : Silk has a wondrous “hand” (a soft, flexible feel). This thread comes in many sizes and colors. It comes packaged on spools, and “carded” with an attached needle. This is a classic stringing material and forms beautiful knots between pearls and beads. But, silk tends to be relatively fragile. It can stretch, be cut by abrasive beads, rot when wet, and pearls strung on silk should be re strung every few years. It is best to use silk when stringing pearls and lightweight, smooth-holed beads, only. A needle is necessary.

NYLON THREAD : (Nymo): This thread also comes in many sizes and colors. It comes packaged on spools, on bobbins, and “carded” with a needle attached. Nylon can be used where-ever silk can and is not as fragile. This material knots beautifully and can be used for pearl stringing, in some strung jewelry, seed beadwork, loom weaving, for Peyote and other specialty stitches, and heishi. Nylon stretches much less than silk, and it won’t rot when wet. Like silk, you shouldn’t use beads with sharp edged holes or that are heavy. When you use nylon thread, I would recommend you coat your thread with bee’s wax or “Thread HeavenTM “ before use to prevent it from fraying. A needle is necessary.

BONDED NYLON : This is a much stronger form of nylon thread. The strands are physically bonded together for extra strength and abrasion protection. Although it knots well, it doesn’t have the “hand” of silk. Bonded nylon comes in a variety of colors and smaller spools. Because of its abrasion resistance, you can use it with “hard”, more abrasive gem beads; in fact this comes close to being a “Universal Thread”. Brand names include: “Stringth” or “Silkon”. A needle is necessary, although you can put “Super Glue” on the end to form a “Self-needle”. This is a favorite beading material of mine.

FISHING LINE : This material is a hard, semi-rigid, single strand of plastic. It doesn’t knot well, and in time sunlight or ultraviolet light can cause it to weaken and fall apart. Fishing line is purchased on small spools and is sold in sporting goods stores. Personally, I use fishing line for two purposes. I use it to do my preliminary stringing while I am designing a necklace (I transfer the beads to a better material for the final product), and to string together “raw” strands of beads. There is no needle necessary. I would never use this material for a final beaded piece.

By : The Author

“What Does Love Mean?” See How 4-8 Year-Old Kids Describe Love

A group of professional people posed this question to a group
of 4 to 8 year-olds : “What does love mean?”

See the deep answers they gave…

The answers they got were broader and deeper than anyone could have imagined. See what you think…

Rebecca - age 8

“When my grandmother got arthritis, she couldn’t bend over and paint her toenails anymore. So my grandfather does it for her all the time, even when his hands got arthritis too. That’s love.”

Billy - age 4

“When someone loves you, the way they say your name is different. You just know that your name is safe in their mouth.”

Terri - age 4

“Love is what makes you smile when you’re tired.”

Danny - age 7

“Love is when my mommy makes coffee for my daddy and she takes a sip before giving it to him, to make sure the taste is OK.”

Emily - age 8

“Love is when you kiss all the time. Then when you get tired of kissing, you still want to be together and you talk more. My Mommy and Daddy are like that. They look gross when they kiss.”

Bobby - age 7 (Wow!)

“Love is what’s in the room with you at Christmas if you stop opening presents and listen.”

Nikka - age 6

“If you want to learn to love better, you should start with a friend who you hate.”

(we need a few million more Nikka’s on this planet)

Noelle - age 7

“Love is when you tell a guy you like his shirt, then he wears it everyday.”

Tommy - age 6

“Love is like a little old woman and a little old man who are still friends even after they know each other so well.”

Cindy - age 8

“During my piano recital, I was on a stage and I was scared. I looked at all the people watching me and saw my daddy waving and smiling. He was the only one doing that. I wasn’t scared anymore.”

Elaine - age 5

“Love is when Mommy gives Daddy the best piece of chicken.”

Chris - age 7

“Love is when Mommy sees Daddy smelly and sweaty and still says he is handsomer than Robert Redford.”

Mary Ann - age 4

“Love is when your puppy licks your face even after you left him alone all day.”

Lauren - age 4

“I know my older sister loves me because she gives me all her old clothes and has to go out and buy new ones.” (Now THIS is love!)

Karen - age 7

“When you love somebody, your eyelashes go up and down and little stars come out of you.” (what an image!)

Mark - age 6

“Love is when Mommy sees Daddy on the toilet and she doesn’t think it’s gross.”

Jessica - age 8

“You really shouldn’t say ‘I love you’ unless you mean it. But if you mean it, you should say it a lot. People forget.”

And the final one…

Lecturer Leo Buscaglia once talked about a contest he was asked to judge. The purpose of the contest was to find the most caring child.

The winner was a four year old child whose next door neighbor was an elderly gentleman who had recently lost his wife.

Upon seeing the man cry, the little boy went into the old gentleman’s yard, climbed onto his lap, and just sat there.

When his Mother asked what he had said to the neighbor, the little boy said,

“Nothing, I just helped him cry.”

By : The Author

5 Reasons To Install Security Cameras At Your Home Or Business

In today’s world, an individual or business owner needs to take the necessary steps to protect themselves, their family and their investments. While many opt for a full security system, which is always a good idea, the addition of security cameras can help to record any/all activities that take place in and around a specific area. Security cameras are not only designed for outside use, but are also commonly used indoors.

When it comes to reasons why you should consider installing security cameras

In today’s world, an individual or business owner needs to take the necessary steps to protect themselves, their family and their investments. While many opt for a full security system, which is always a good idea, the addition of security cameras can help to record any/all activities that take place in and around a specific area. Security cameras are not only designed for outside use, but are also commonly used indoors.

When it comes to reasons why you should consider installing security cameras, listed below are five of the best

1) Security cameras provide constant monitoring of your home and/or business even when you are not there. Let’s face it. There is no way that you can be two places at once. You are either at home or at work, which is why security cameras can be your eyes even when you cannot be there in person.

2) If installed at your home, security cameras can help you to see who is outside your front door or on your property before opening the door or venturing outside. This is a very important safety precaution for anyone, whether you live out in the most rural of settings or in the city. It’s always a good idea to see who is at your door before you open it and if you suspect someone is on your property, security cameras can help to either confirm or eliminate that concern.

3) If a theft should occur, the use of security cameras can provide valuable evidence to help convict the perpetrator and possibly even recover your stolen item(s). This is true of both home and business burglaries. In addition, a home or business that is monitored with a security camera may carry more affordable insurance because it is less desirable for criminals who know they are being monitored. For the exact policy guidelines, check with your local insurance agent.

4) Security cameras can help parents to keep an eye on their babysitter. When you leave your child at home and entrust them with a babysitter, it never hurts to add extra peace of mind in knowing that your child is properly cared for during those moments when you are not at home with them yourself.

5) If used in a place of business, security cameras can help employers and store owners to keep a close eye on their employees. Monitoring of employee actions can help in a variety of situations, including possible employee theft, customer complaints and other matters where video playback may be beneficial.

By : The Author

10 Landscaping Design Ideas To Enhance Your Home Garden

A landscape garden need not be just a bunch of decorative plants and lawn. Read this article to know about many creative items you can use in your garden.

A home garden is a place, which can give identity to your home building in a neighborhood. You can use very little creativity to enhance to look and feel of your garden so that it stands out from the rest of the gardens in the neighborhood. Here is a list of probable elements you can add to your landscaping garden so that everybody loves it and you get the credit.

The compound wall of the home plot defines the boundary of the garden as well. Use paintings on the wall surface (inside), that will add excitement to your garden . You can go for a theme based paintings such as nature, waterfalls, sunsets,etc..

2) Use stone sculptures of actual human size. These statues greatly add a uman touch to the garden and also defines a scale to the space. Everything we use in our daily lives such as clothes, kitchen utensils, office equipment, computer parts, are all always related to human measurements. If this is the case with all other objects, why exclude a garden from it.

3) Use a fountain with artificial mood creating lighting. This adds a great amount of curiosity during night.

4) Use Japanese stone lanterns instead of the normal ones. This is because stone has its own rough texture as against the smooth and fresh look and feel of the plants in a garden. This creates “hot-spots” in the garden if you plan to use light bulbs inside the stone lanterns. These stone lanterns can also be used along a pathway to define the direction of movement.

5) Design a pond that flows partially into the home building. This is a great way to seamlessly connect the interior and exterior of a home landscape.

6) If your garden has a swimming pool, then instead of having normal diving boards, be little creative and make it into the shape of a house or the person coming out of the mouth of an animal, etc.Your kids will love this and will be remembered whoever visits your garden.

7) Create private semi-open patios in your garden. This is a great place to sit around and chat with your loved ones and also can be used as a small deck during a small party.

8) If you love pets, then try rabbits, ducks along with a small pond, in the backyard. These pets have very fresh colors and add great amount of liveliness in the garden.

9) If possible plants flowerings trees with fragrance. This is a free and absolutely amazing way to keep your garden fresh.

10) Create levels in your garden to distinguish various areas as per the function of the garden. A leveled garden always creates interest and curiosity.

If you have read this article completely you can see I have hardly talked about plats and their species in landscaping. So landscaping design is also about using creativity with materials and their finishes. I hope this article helps you to start thinking creatively about your home garden and generate more unique ideas.

By : Shrinivas Vaidya

Re-Published By : The Author

Blogging: Let’s Get You Started!

So what is blogging really all about? First off, let me tell you that it’s a lucrative business to and thatblog blogs are easy to set up and manage. Imagine getting paid to write about subjects that interest you, whenever you want, wherever you are!

So what is blogging really all about? First off, let me tell you that it’s a lucrative business to blog and that blogs are easy to set up and manage. Imagine getting paid to write about subjects that interest you, whenever you want, wherever you are! The flexibility involved allows you to maintain your blog at your own pace, and with Internet cash easily accessible all over the globe, even your vacation won’t get in the way of your blogging… Or should I say: even your blogging won’t get in the way of your vacation?

In this article, let’s take a look at the profitability of a blog and set up one of our own, free of charge! Interested? Read on!

First, you need to get yourself a blog. There are several options – host a blog on your own domain or get a free one. For starters, let’s talk about the free blogs. You can obtain one at or the newer (and better!) WordPress is a free blog engine that is robust and infinitely expandable.

Blogger is actually owned by Google, so it will be detected by Google’s radar faster and you will be indexed more quickly., however, is a relatively new option so I have no comparison on the speed of getting indexed by search engines. However, WordPress is better in the sense that it has more advanced features such as Trackbacks and Categories. You can also manage your sidebar links more efficiently (more about this later).

Get a free blog at either Blogger or WordPress. Then, familiarize yourself by publishing your first post on your blog and tinkering around with the options and templates.

Here are some words to start expanding your blogging vocabulary

PermalinkPermalink stands for permanent link, which is a URL (Uniform Resource Locator) that leads to an individual post that you make in your blog.

Trackback – When you post about someone else’s blog post elsewhere, your post will show up in their “trackback” section. This feature, however, is not available with a Blogger account.

PingingBlogging seems to be paired with pinging almost every time either one is mentioned nowadays. Pinging is actually the action where a certain aggregator is notified whenever your blog is updated, so that the aggregator may show the newest post of your blog on their website. This is a useful way to gain traffic, which I’ll discuss in a future article.


Next, let’s look at the type of content that’s suitable for your blog in order to make it profitable. You need to understand that there is no fixed scope that your blog should have, which means you can write about whatever you’re interested in. Mind you, the difference between a profitable blog and a non-profitable one is the way you write.
What would you prefer: reading your university professor’s lecture notes or the latest novel by your favorite author? People prefer to read “light” items most of the time. When they check out your blog, they are not only looking for information, but they are also looking for information that they can access easily.

So, to attract more visitors as well as to keep your current readers coming back for more, it’s very important to add a personal touch to your blog posts. This can be done by simply imagining that you’re talking with your personal friend. An extra bonus for your readers would be a great sense of humor, so try to add funny comments in your articles where relevant.

Another important point is to avoid addressing your reader as a plural unit. Don’t write as if you’re preparing a speech. Instead, write as if you’re having a conversation with a single person, an equal friend, because this will make your reader relate to you more easily.

Besides that, it’s also very useful to establish your own personality through your words. We’re very curious creatures, so naturally your visitors would want to know as much about you as the information you’re offering them.

Having a distinctive personality in your blog will make a world of difference between your blog about gadgets and all the other blogs about gadgets out there. This is a lot like creating your own brand name, where people immediately remember your blog’s name when they need information about gadgets, just like how people immediately think of McDonald’s for fastfood or Nike for sportswear.

There will be more on the subject of content the next time.

When word gets around about your command of blogging, others who need to know about blogging will start to actively seek you out !

By : Chonticha Marijne

Re-Published By : The Author

A Seller’s Dash For Cash

Today, eBay is considered to be one of the most lucrative auction sites available in the Internet.

However, selling on eBay is not that easy, and the very first thing a seller should do is to find the ways on how he or she will get paid once the item is sold. And so, here are the different ways how a seller can be paid:

1. PayPal

PayPal is the most common and convenient way of sending and receiving money based on an eBay transaction. Here, the payment for the sold item is sent directly to the seller by means of an established bank account or a credit card.

2. Personal Check or Cashier’s Check

Sellers may choose this kind of option. However, the drawback of using this kind of payment method is that the seller still has to wait for a number of banking days before the check gets cleared.

3. Credit Cards

Sellers must have a merchant account to be able to accept payments from its buyers through credit cards. This is applicable only if the buyer will be paying directly to the seller. If the buyer still wants to use credit card but wants a safer transaction, he or she may opt to pay the seller through PayPal with the use of the credit card.

4. Bank to bank wire transfers

In this type of payment, the seller can be paid through a bank-to-bank transaction. Here, the buyer will transfer funds from his or her bank account to the seller’s bank account.

5. Money Orders/Bid pay

This is one of the recommended payment methods of eBay. This is considered safe because the seller or the buyer can track down the mailing address of the concerned person.

6. Escrow

This is strongly suggested for high-priced item transactions. The escrow service guarantees full protection while the transaction is not yet closed. Through this service, the seller has to wait for the confirmation that the buyer had received the product before receiving payment.

However, sellers and buyers should take extra precautions on dealing with escrow services. There are a lot of counterfeit escrow services lurking on eBay these days. It’s best to check if the escrow service was approved by eBay.

8. Cash

Sellers on eBay may receive payments through cash. However, this is a high-risk activity and offers no guaranteed protection.

9. Instant Cash Wire Transfers like western Union and Money Grams

Sellers may opt for this type of payment method. But, they should keep in mind eBay is strongly against this mode of payment and that insisting this to the buyer may result to suspension or termination of account.

By : The Author

9 Ways to Gain Expert Recognition

No matter what business you are in it always helps to be seen as an expert. If you were calling someone to fix a drain or sell your house you would approach the person you saw as most credible and reputable in that area of expertise.

To become an expert takes hard work and experience. It can involve study or the honing of practical skills. It demands high standards of work. But after all this effort will you be perceived as an expert? If you feel you’ve earned the mantle of expert but are not recognized as one, here are eight ways to start establishing your reputation.

Publish a book or series of reports

The internet has made this much easier. You can now create an ebook that can be downloaded without having to involve a publisher. A well-written book or series of reports will establish your reputation as an expert in your field.

Publish a newsletter

Set one up on the internet and distribute it to your customers. This is an excellent way to regularly keep your name in front of your prospects as an authority on your subject.

Write Press Releases

Used correctly these can gain you a lot of positive publicity. Make sure the press release looks like newsworthy information and not like an advertisement.

Write Articles

By publishing information packed articles, you’ll soon enjoy the status of being seen as an authority on your topic. This can lead to joint ventures and many other exciting opportunities that you would have never enjoyed otherwise!

Create A Website

Set up a user-friendly website that will appeal to customers and you have expanded the reach of your reputation. Keep it timely and informative, and people will continue to return to your site. If you don’t know how to set up a website there are plenty of web designers who do. Alternatively enquire at a college teaching web design. Some students might want to build a portfolio.

Join Associations

If you are a member of an association it will enhance your credibility. But don’t just be a member. Be an active member. This will build your reputation among your peers and lead to useful introductions. Membership can have many benefits, and it will certainly keep you up to date in your field.


You can boost your reputation and influence by speaking to the right people. Keep your name in front of your prospects. Organize mutually beneficial ventures. You cannot predict what may come from a contact so make as many as you can.

Public Speaking

Even speaking to a local group of people can establish you as an expert and get you referrals that may lead to a wider audience. If you are not sure you can speak in public, preparation and rehearsal are the keys to success. Make sure your presentation is aimed at the right level, follows a sensible sequence and will not sound like a dry textbook-like monologue. Write your main points on small cards so you are not relying solely on your memory and start in front of a small audience.

Teach Workshops or Seminars

If you have knowledge that people would like to tap into you can pass on your expertise. If your presentation is well planned you will be seen as an authority in your subject. You will also meet people who are likely to recommend you to others. If you are teaching a hot topic you will also be gaining a useful income stream.

Any of these methods will start building your reputation as an expert. Use them all correctly and you will gain the sort of reputation that will have potential clients approaching you without having to seek them out.

By : The Author

Entertainment and Media Production for your Business

You are a business. You do well. Why do you need to worry about what Entertainment and Media Production companies can do for you ? Why would you need to hire some weird artist to make your company’s exposure to the public more attractive ? Let’s get to the bottom line. Revenue! You can actually increase your revenue through the way that you expose yourself in the media. This is not a new idea it’s just advertising.

Entertainment and Media Production companies can do a lot for your business. They can make you literature more visually appealing and easy to read and understand. They can make your TV and radio commercials for you. They can even make great designs your internal newsletter. How does this affect the bottom line ? It draws people in to what you want them to read, see or hear. That generates more sales leads, which in turn generate more revenue.

Good and attractive media helps your company look professional. Looking professional helps customers trust you. These customers can be individual buyer or business to business customers. People are more likely to buy from you if the trust you. Many times all the customer sees is your literature. In many businesses they don’t see you office building, or your factory, all they see is your literature and your product. Make your product look great. Then, make you literature look great too.

Good entertainment media, like ads and TV spots can actually work hard for you. A good ad can raise the top of mind awareness for your company or product. As it does this it also positions your company in their mind. Let’s say you own a bank and you ask your entertainment media production department to come up with a TV spot promoting your bank. If they create a TV spot that looks like it was done in a garage, then your bank will be positioned in the minds of the consumers as an unprofessional banking firm. However, if they do an excellent job and make a TV spot that has the feeling of solidarity, then the consumers will position you as a secure bank. In short, find your position then let your ads, TV spots and literature exemplify that position.

Be careful with entertainment media. Vulgarity, offensiveness and even humor can get you in to trouble. You media should never be vulgar or offensive. You are trying to entice people to trust you not turn them away. Humor can be a great tool but it can also be a stumbling block. When you use humor, make sure that it has a purpose (i.e. sell a product or position you company in the mind of the consumers). If it is funny but unrelated. Don’t do it! It won’t help.

Here are a few guidelines about how to use entertainment media

1. Make it look professional.
2. Don’t be uptight. It is okay to have fun as long you don’t forget your purpose.
3. Be Fresh but tight. Make all of entertainment media productions clean and appealing.
4. Make it memorable.
5. Make it friendly (this applies to most businesses.
6. Don’t put anything in that is vulgar or offensive.
7. Make it fun. Remember that it is called entertainment media production, there should be an
element of entertainment.
8. Make your views feel like you are a long-time friend.
9. Make it speak your company values. Make your media speak volumes about your company
by their layout and design not just the type.
10. Get it done professionally !

Entertainment media production is a powerful tool in helping generate revenue. Let me close with and example. A few years ago BMW took an interesting approach to advertising. They produced a few of short films that featured their cars. These were actual films but every drove BMW cars. They offered these for free to whom ever wanted one and on the DVD was a brochure for their cars. The films were a great way to promote their cars. Be creative when you work with media and it will serve you well.

By : Maryan

Re-Published By : The Author

Cultural Inheritances Influence to Indonesias Abstract Woodcarvings

Indonesia is one of the countries in this world blessed with a diverse culture. This culture has been passed down and preserved from generation to generation.

Embedded as well into their culture are their religious duties and aspirations. These two aspects are what serve as guides for their artists in molding their art traditions. Each craft is like a form of scientific study, each requiring a systematic method for a successful output. One of their flourishing art traditions is their woodcarvings. Each piece is carefully carved and transposed into intricate designs that aim to depict more than what each piece physically portrays. And visiting can show you Indonesia’s cultural heritage’s influence to their woodcarvings.

The Wooden Canvas

The Indonesian culture, although influenced by numerous other cultures, is dominantly close in relation to nature and most especially religion. The fact that they use wood as their carving canvas brings us closer to understanding their love and high respect for nature. Wood of different types, from soft to hard, dark to white, are used in all types of wood carvings. Designs such as flowers, plants, trees, animals, and dragons are usual when dealing with Indonesian wood-carved art works. Each work of art is unique therefore is very much cherished by the Indonesian culture and is popular to woodcarving collectors all over the world.

The Common Themes

Indonesian wood carvings are typically made in the likeness of human beings. With a few varnishing and colorful touches, the finished crafts are always life-like in nature and expressive at first glance. Human beings are portrayed in different eccentric positions that it even gives off the feeling of adoration for the nature surrounding it. In addition to human beings, Indonesian wood carvings take up the shape of common domestic animals as well. As part of their nature-inclined culture, they carve animal design that would not only represent human feelings at its best but the Indonesian history, incorporated in every detail.

Whatever the theme, whatever the design or concept and whatever the material used, each piece of carefully carved wood is evident of Indonesia’s colorful, spontaneous and bright culture. You will notice as well that each detail incorporated in their woodcarvings is aimed to express the raw human traits that add lifelike touch to the woodcarving piece itself. By logging into the Internet, you will soon discover that Indonesian wood carvings definitely portray the Indonesian art, religious beliefs and culture at its best.

By : Maryan

Re-Published By : The Author

Quicker Home Business Profits

Now let’s be honest, way too many people believe the Internet is a place to become rich very quickly without any effort or sweat. They think that once you publish a web site, that you have a home business. Please do not expect riches and results from an online business started with that thought approach. Home business owners giving up or suffocating are clear indications that they did not read this article.

But there is good news, and the good news is that starting an online business is really worth every second if approached from the right angle and if you got what it takes to do it right. Imagine being your own boss as your first bonus, and then use your intelligence and motivation to make it work. The Time factor (lack of it) will always be a issue when creating your business, given the fact we all have jobs, families and all kind of distractions. But that easily solved. Manage your time dedicated to your business simply by using only the proven techniques, strategies, and today’s technology. Don’t go round the world for a shortcut.

Can you imagine what it would be like to be able to sit down at your computer and find your home business already built in a box? All you have to do is activate it. On the internet you can use anything from content sites and article sites, and you can easily find ready to go e-books, all kinds of software, online business products and even complete web sites, ready to be activated by you to give you the opportunity to build a home business with. However, they don’t include the marketing techniques and strategies that any home business badly requires.

Marketing is a broad business subject that encompasses a range of activities including advertising, public relations, sales, and promotions. Generally, you will find that people tend confuse sales with marketing, when in fact the two are quite different. Marketing is all about getting a product or service into the market, promoting it, influencing behavior, and encouraging sales turnover. Sales, quite distinctly, is the actual transaction of getting a product or service into the hands of your customers. As you can probably gather, neither can be successful without the other.

With so many messages being propelled towards all of us these days, it is more critical than ever for a business to get their product noticed. This means marketers have evolved to being creative. Marketing is not an exact science and managers who know little about it are afraid that the marketing staff within their firm is often wasting valuable money. The truth is that marketing is an investment that always pays off; it just may come back in ways that are not necessarily measurable. So even though one campaign may bring moderate results, another will bring astonishing profits.

Take a tour of sites like Profits Yesterday, Surefire Wealth, and Simpleology. Here you will find many ideas and solutions for your home business. But none will be successful overnight. Success will come to you, but it will take considerable amount of effort, motivation, and determination to achieve results. And it all starts with YOU and a great business idea.

Do not under estimate your most valuable asset. The skill and knowledge you already have. Online Business takes passion and patience and the chances are that through your job got you many years of experience that you can easily share for profit. Get a copy of the book “Make Your Knowledge Sell”, and see for yourself just how your knowledge can make lots of money.

Many products and services which are killers for a home business are already out there and affiliate sales already exist. Take advantage of this by joining sites that sell content and ideas you can modify to suit your specific business needs. These days you can start your home based business in a few hours, but above most things, have a very good marketing plan before you start. Then use all information available on content sites and article sites to get the job done right.

But my most valuable advice to you in all cases is, make an ACTION PLAN because without it you are looking at the fastest way for your home business to fail. “Crawl before walk” is a well known phrase, and also the answer for faster home business profits.

To Your Success !

By : Brian Camilleri

Re-Published By : The Author

Article Marketing Is a Hidden Treasure

Article Marketing is one of the most effective and inexpensive way of promoting a website, a service or a product.

Article marketing is a very good way of marketing a product, services or a websites on the internet. A good number of internet marketers are still unaware of the potentials of article marketing. Currently, article marketing is a hidden treasure. Those who discovered this hidden treasure are currently making hundreds and thousands of dollars by just writing and submitting articles to free article sites. Free article sites are sites that accept the submission of free articles from people like me and you.

What is Article Marketing ?

Article Marketing is a type of advertisement where product owners or website owners write articles for the purpose of promoting a product, services or a website. Article Marketing is one cool and free way of getting free and targeted traffic to a website. With article marketing, you can sell products, drive traffic to blogs and websites. In addition to this, article marketing helps a lot in website ranking. By writing quality and useful articles, your website have the potential of ranking very high in search engines for a given words, keywords or terms. For individuals who find it difficult to write, article marketing could be a very difficult way of promoting a website or a business. If you are the kind that finds it difficult to write articles, you can higher a ghost writer to write one for you. The cost of such service is not much compared to the benefits you will get from it.

There are many article sites on the internet today. These article sites allow one to post article for free. When you post your article to article sites, publishers who want fresh content will publish your article to their website, thus giving you and your business, services or websites more popularity. Article marketing is currently a very popular method or promoting a website, services or a business. The only problem is that many website owners now write low quality articles which is not good for the web existence or in other way, it might not be approved by the articles site review, and by not been approve you are equally losing your potential traffic visitors to your website.

And Such poor quality article will make readers to lose their thrust and interest for such articles. It is encouraged to spend time to write a pretty quality article that will be approved my the articles reviewing sites, of which the profit results to your landing website is potentially enormous.

Are you a website owner, a business owner, a service owner, a product owner, etc? Why not use article marketing today to reach your potential visitors and target market.

By : The Author

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By : The Author

1,001 Deals and Steals: A Guide to Online Classifieds

Some naysayers way back in the 1990s predicted that online shopping wouldn’t last. Sure, and they said television was a passing fad, too! As we all know, just the opposite has occurred. There’s a television in every household, and more than likely, the homeowner bought their television online—along with his books, music CDs, clothes, and maybe even his home.

Some naysayers way back in the 1990s predicted that online shopping wouldn’t last. Sure, and they said television was a passing fad, too! As we all know, just the opposite has occurred. There’s a television in every household, and more than likely, the homeowner bought their television online—along with his books, music CDs, clothes, and maybe even his home.

shopping is bigger than ever. You can find anything and everything for sale online. Many times, you can find it cheaper online than anywhere else. Internet shopping offers so much more than a discounted price tag, though.

Imagine a shopping mall where there are no lines, where there are no jammed parking garages, and no pushy sales clerks. This is no land of make believe. It is the Internet, where you can discover unprecedented selection, convenience, and opportunities. Online shopping gives you the luxury of browsing hundreds of stores from your living room, while saving on time and frustration. It provides you the chance to compare prices to your heart’s delight on a near limitless selection of brands and models.

For even more benefits, try your hand at classifieds and auction Web sites. These sites are like yard sales and flea markets rolled into one. Unlike retail shopping sites, they offer:

Access to super secondary markets. Take your pick of secondhand or brand-new wholesale goods at steeply discounted prices. The vendors at classifieds sites can get away with it because they aren’t paying high rent for a storefront or a warehouse. And in many cases, you’re not paying taxes.

Tools to locate unique and rare collectibles. Imagine a classifieds site to be like a sunken pirate boat, laden with cultural artifacts, hard-to-find heirlooms, and priceless antiques. The Internet is your deep-sea vessel, sonar, and oxygen tank all in one.

Reach beyond your neighborhood. Search through the inventory of a vendor from your home town, or if you don’t find what you’re looking for there, try that fellow in California, Texas or Canada for that matter.

Close relationships with vendors. You deal with real people—not big, impersonal corporations—when you buy on classifieds sites. They can provide more details about the product, which you can then use to bargain for a reasonable price.

Despite this bounty of benefits, you might still be hesitant to dive into Internet shopping. Don’t be embarrassed. You have good reason to take your time and weigh your choices. According to the U.S. Federal Trade Commission, Internet fraud tops the list of the thousands of fraud cases that happen every year. In some ways, WWW could stand for the Wild West Web, in that anything goes. Vendors can be villains in disguise, and there aren’t any online Wyatt Earps to protect you from these bad guys. You’re on your own.

But give yourself some credit. You have the common sense it takes to survive the WWW. It is the same commonsense that helps you make the most of your money on your standard shopping trips. Become familiar and comfortable with an online vendor before jumping into a purchase. Ask questions and do a bit of research.

After doing your research, you’ll feel more confident in searching for your online booty. To refine your findings and whittle your list to only the exceptional sites, look for these additional qualities:

A focus on local shopping, so you can feel more confident buying from neighbors.
Free education and advice on safe purchasing.
No-cost and easy browsing through available merchandise.
Search tools that let you prioritize items by category, location, and distance.
A straightforward pricing system that avoids the haggling and risk of auction bidding.
Quick price comparisons among different vendors.

Unbelievably, a few trustworthy, practical, and exciting Web sites exist that have all of these features. To find these websites, simply browse through Yahoo’s directory under the classifieds category. The best of the online classified sites offer these services free to buyers such as you. Some of these sites can link you at no charge to your neighbor selling the antique lamp that you’ve been hunting for or that retiree looking to unload an incredible piece of real estate—or the cowboy looking to sell his big-screen television.

By : The Author

Finally! A Stylish, Free & Easy To Use Classifieds Site !

Have you ever had to list an item up for sale on a site like Craigs list or eBay? Do you know how much of a hassle it is to figure out how to post the item, let alone get enough traffic or interested people to get a reasonable offer? Well, wants to help you with your classified ads.

Classified ads in newspapers have been shown to decrease over the past few years as more and more people are heading online to buy items the traditionally bought in the newspaper. This includes everything from pool tables to fire wood. The beauty of this is that you can still get these items sold online. has a great color layout that will bring the intuitive buyer directly to your listing. They don’t mess around with you, trying to charge you fees like eBay would. is also much better looking than the ugly Craigs list. Plus, allows much more customization of your ads than Craigs list.

It is also dead easy to post a classified ad on You just go to SubBlurbs dot Com and click Post Ad on the top left hand corner of the site. It is a large button and you cannot miss it. Next, you choose the state you are living in so the item can be properly categorized. You then choose the proper category for the item that you are selling. You can choose from things like For Sale or Jobs, these are classified ads so remember that many different fields are covered and not all are going to apply to you. You will then be asked to select the proper sub category. Finally, you will get to the last page where you can input your title, city or town, your ad description and any other pertinent info you would like potential buyers/viewers to know.

The only thing you have left to do is to verify your email. You just have to login to your email account and click the link that emailed to you and your ad will go live. It is just as simple as that. No confusing process to go through like eBay has and a beautiful site, unlike Craigs list. Also, doesn’t have any really strict TOS, unlike many of the other classified ads sites, just don’t scam or spam and you will have a great place to put up your ads. So go check out great place to put up your classified ads for a great price…FREE!

By : The Author

Classified Advertising Popularity seriously Growing

Classified advertising popularity seriously growing. Traffic to the largest classified advertising websites has grown by almost 70% in the last year 2007,according to new research.

Traffic to the largest classified advertising websites has grown by almost 70% in the last year, according to new research.
Research says 57.4 million US users visited the top consumer-to-consumer ad sites in August,
a rise of 57% over the same month in 2007.
Craigs list was the most popular, doubling its unique visitors to almost 16 million during the month. Trader Publishing , the leader in July 2007, ranked second with 17.2 million visitors (up 25%), while AutoTrader ranked third with 8.4 million visitors (up 24%).”
While online classifieds are not new, it appears that internet users are really beginning to catch on to this phenomenon.With nearly 60 percent growth in the past year, online classifieds are growing at a rate that surpasses most other categories.

As the category leader, Craigs list has clearly impacted the way in which new and traditional media companies approach the classifieds business. Research said a higher than expected proportion of visitors came from among younger professionals. People between the ages of 25 and 35, and those in households making at least US $90,000 annually, were each 27% more likely than average to visit classified sites.
Classified advertising is a truly great business building tool you can use to generate dozens and dozens of leads for your service business.

Whether your target market(s) is based locally or further away there are publications, trade magazines, newsletters, and newspapers that will be read by your prospects. Placing small ads in the classified advertising section of these publications will generate leads for you.
The great news is that classified advertising even with large publications is relatively inexpensive.

But of course it’s not how much it costs that’s important. What’s important is how much profit you generate from using classified advertising.

By : Norbert Lukacsi

Re-Published By : The Author

Free classified advertising opportunities

The free classifieds and free classified advertising have become hot online catchwords. Free classified advertising is rapidly growing trend of recent times. Classified ads are inexpensive and powerful, and are an excellent way to promote your business both online and offline.There are numerous companies and websites that offer the free online classified ads. These websites receives free classifieds ads and advertise them free of cost.

The Internet is the best means to quickly access information ,it also has the merit of bringing people all over the world together, allowing them to interact in a safe, exciting environment. Classified ads web sites promote effective means of expressing ideas and exchanging information, by offering subscribes the opportunity to post their ads on a web page, or to access the ads posted by others. Classified ads web sites provide accurate information, well-structured in various categories: job classifieds, homes classifieds, events classifieds and many more! Classified ads are easy to access and they provide all kinds of important information.

Classified ads web sites are a valuable source of information and they also enable people to interact and achieve their goals. Find a reliable, professional classified ads web site and you will definitely find what you are looking for !

Good, reliable classified ads web sites usually charge no fee for posting or viewing classified ads. All you have to do is subscribe and you will be able to interact with people locally, and why not, from other areas of the world.

By : The Author

China Admits Flaws in School Construction

BEIJING — Government officials have acknowledged in the most definitive report since the devastating earthquake in Sichuan Province in May that many school buildings across the country are poorly constructed and that 20 percent of primary schools in one southwestern province may be unsafe, according to a description of the report published by the state media on Friday.

The Ministry of Education report is a rare government admission of substandard school construction. The issue has been a delicate one since the earthquake, which killed 88,000 people, many of them children crushed in shoddily built schools.

The report called on the central government to finance the reconstruction of vulnerable schools quickly, especially those in rural areas and western parts of China that are seismically unstable. Speaking about the report, Lu Yongxiang, vice chairman of the National People’s Congress Standing Committee, said in an interview with the China News Service that Beijing would increase construction subsidies by 25 percent to 150 percent, depending on the region.

Mr. Lu was quoted as saying that nearly 2.5 percent of all primary and middle schools in China have structural problems, on a built area equal to 360 million square feet.

He added that 90 percent of these schools were in rural areas and the earthquake-prone west of the country. The China News Service report singled out Yunnan Province, just south of Sichuan, as having some of the most structurally unsound schools. It said 20 percent of the province’s primary schools and 11 percent of its middle schools were structurally unsound.

Mr. Lu’s point was underscored just hours after the report was made public. On Friday morning, a 4.9-magnitude earthquake shook Yunnan Province, injuring nine people, according to Xinhua, the official news agency.

In Sichuan, many parents of students killed in May continue to press their demands for an investigation into the school collapses. This month, a group of parents whose children died at a primary school in Fuxin filed a lawsuit against government officials and a construction contractor. The suit asked for $1.1 million in damages and a public apology.

But last week a judge at the Intermediate People’s Court in the city of Deyang rejected the lawsuit, saying the court was hamstrung by a government directive from on high. The parents said they would pursue the case to the nation’s highest court.

The number of students who died in the May earthquake is unknown, although estimates suggest the figure may be as high as 10,000. In his comments to the state media, Mr. Lu, the standing committee vice chairman, opened a small window into that mystery : He said that 14,000 schools in Sichuan had been damaged by the earthquake.

By : Aandrew Jacobs
Published at The New York Times : December 26,2008

Re-Published By : The Author



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